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04-06-2015 04:44 PM
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25 Friends

  1. Ricco052 Ricco052 is offline

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  2. RiverOfDreamz RiverOfDreamz is offline

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  3. rrickir rrickir is offline

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hadiina's Feedbacks

Feedbacks: 9
Positive Feedbacks: 7
Rating: 78%

left by TONelson on 07-28-2014 11:14 PM

Another asshole that took a loan then skipped out. Months later and I'm still collecting insurance. Fucktard.

left by rrickir on 05-03-2013 04:11 PM

U DID IT TYTY yay lol. i know its hard for him to get points, but he DID still pay me back, a bit late is all.

left by steveg78 on 04-05-2013 10:33 PM

Paid in full. AAA. Would loan to again.

left by steveg78 on 03-21-2013 09:21 PM

Paid in full. Would loan to again.

left by steveg78 on 11-02-2012 08:19 PM

Had to collect via debt collector and insurance.

left by WhoreBot on 09-03-2012 03:22 PM

would loan again anytime +++++

left by steveg78 on 08-09-2012 07:28 PM

Paid back early and in full. AAA. Would loan to again.

left by rrickir on 08-06-2012 06:40 PM

defaulted, is nice guy th o,someone from forum helped him pay back tho... ty....

left by WhoreBot on 05-14-2012 07:28 PM

Would loan again anytime +++++

hadiina's Screen Names

Black Chip Poker - hadiina

Carbon - hadi1364

Juicy Stakes - hadisayyad

Lock Poker - hadiina

Pokerstars - hadiina

hadiina's Tourneys Stats

Total Tournaments: 63

Place Times Placed % Placed
1. 2 3.17%
2. 0 0%
3. 1 1.59%
4. 3 4.76%
5. 1 1.59%
6. 1 1.59%
7. 0 0%
8. 1 1.59%
9. 2 3.17%
10. 2 3.17%
1. - 10. 13 20.63%