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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master buonafide's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    double-or-nothing SNGs are the way to build the BR and confidence. You only need to win them more than 55% of the time to build.

  2. #12
    New Member
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    Jan 2014

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    I play at the cash games and the sit n go tables. That's how I build my bankroll.

  4. #14
    Experienced Member
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    stay within your budget with a small bankroll as u have stay with the dollar sitn gos preferably the double or nothings and work ur way up thru those cause half the field gets paid and play tight

  5. #15
    tex is offline
    PokerOwned Master
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    Oct 2013
    2/3 is a high win rate even if just double up sng you should build a bankroll in no time,I can't get into it ,but there a lot of good freerolls out there go to the private section of your poker room there you'll find what you need to know ,do a little research.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    A super simple bankroll strategy is to just make sure you have about 10-15 buy ins for the limit you play. If you play $1sng's then make sure you have $100-$150 t account for variance. If you drop below that, go down a level until you build it back up.

  7. #17
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Ive been working awhile at trying to grind up a sizeable bankroll... When I initially started playing on lock poker, when the SnGs were always running at buy in levels up to 50$, I was able to turn a 65$ deposit into 1400$ just by starting out with the 2$ games untill I was up to 50 buy ins then went to the 3$ games and onward to where I would mostly play 11$ and 20$ games. Also I had no idea what rakeback was or how to acquire any bonuses. So when i switched to cashgames, in which i went busto eventually because I got cocky from a 500$ upswing in a 2 hour session. I wish I had stuck with the SnGs untill I was overrolled for micro cash games. I was lured in by the seeing that a grinder at 1/2 could make 6 figure salary and I was never gonna even break 5figures playing SnGs. But one thing which was great about lock poker was I was somehow on the top tier of their VIP program so when I went broke I actually had over 350$ in their "vault" and another 180$ that was on the casino side... Anyways my best advice is whatever the number of buy ins you think you need, I would generally double that figure to ensure you dont go busto. Get some poker tracking software so you know exactly what your winrate is so when you reach a respectable bb/100 rate you can move up in stakes. Also set a stop loss to prevent yourself from going on monkey tilt and blowing buy in after buy in trying to get unstuck by luck! Good Luck at the tables!

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro
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    If you are winning at the micro tables, just keep doing what you're doing. Generally, when you move up to the higher stakes tables, the skill level of the players increase as well. Winning at micro does not mean you will do as well at say 5/10. If you are win 2/3 of the time, just keep going til you double your BR, then you can always play with the house money at any stakes table with less of a worry.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Oct 2013
    You're winning 2 out of every 3 sngs...that means you're doing something right.

    Can you maintain that win rate at a higher buy-in level, say $5 - $10 per sng?

    I think you can, good luck.
    Last edited by zingbust; 02-10-2014 at 06:38 PM.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SpikeDatJack View Post
    What exactly does that word sethserfh mean?

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