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  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Where Do I Find Them

    One part of the New User Guide says

    3.Do some surveys \ tasks \ watch videos (Points and tasks vary)

    Where is it I find these things? Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    They are under the offerwalls, but not everything converts, go by the whats working section and the ticker to see what others are convertng. Crowdflower tasks convert well for alot of members.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member snklzona's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    When you hit site start opens new tab...mute...then go to offerwalls videos...start with virool play all those while every 10mins hit up radio to enter capchka...then do matomy go make 5 post in forum...then look at task will be the 1's for 43 pts 96pts 131 pts but u will see evry hour or so 2 3 4 5 of these(same offers converting for 2-3-4-5 or six different people) in space or 5 10 15 mins...hit link and try converting that also...ask if someone converts a 150 to 650 pt offer (your new odds says you aint done it yet)bubble chat and ask how it worked 4 them...tell em u r new plz just saying might work

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    offerwall baby, tons of points up for grab.

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The radio loyalty task is easy and a good way to get points throughout the day. I personally like CrowdFlower. There are usually easy tasks to complete and some will offer bonuses that get paid out daily. Since you are in the US you should be able to do these without any problems. Surveys can be profitable but alot of the time you go through qualification and then find out you aren't qualified. This is annoying but usually only takes a few minutes then you can complete the survey or move on.
    When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Oh FYI if you are really having trouble getting points there is a PO Mentor program. You can find this under the "Trade Center" tab.
    When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played.

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