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Thread: novo no site

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Wink novo no site

    Conheci esse site através do pokerstars, onde na aba torneios achei os freeroll da owned, queria saber como vocês fazem para ganhar os pontos, para inscrever-se neles e que mais este site apresenta que seria bom para mim, vlw : P

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    oi e bem-vindo ao PokerOwned, tenha em mente que este é um site que falam Inglês, você pode usar o tradutor do google, se quiser. Isso deve ajudar, eu acho que é muito tempo para traduzir, boa sorte.

    First off, I HIGHLY recommend doing CrowdFlower tasks. Once you get the hang of those, you can really crank those out fast AND they convert at 100% if done correctly. Next, try the Radio Loyalty. You get 5 points every 10 minutes. A Captcha will pop up every 10 minutes, EASY POINTS. ( outside of the US, they are less points, like maybe 2 every 10 minutes ) They do pay on delay, like every hour or half hour.

    I wish everything converted, sadly, not everything does and the sites don't give you a reason why. We highly suggest you watch the task ticker to see what's working in real time also check our what's working link What's working - PokerOwned Forums.

    Failing that, if you do a survey and get to the end, always take a screen shot. Every site we have has a 'help, I am missing points section'. If you fight for your points, you can usually recover them. You can read more about this here: (Link to help for missing points)

    Download offers: SUPER EASY to convert, but everyone is scared of getting a virus right? Use Sandboxie. There is a guide here that teaches you about it:

    There is a really good help \ guide for new users that you can find here:

  3. #3
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    E aí cara, beleza? Tas conseguindo entender como ganhar pontos? Eu consegui ganhar umas duas vezes só e agora tá foda...

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