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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master mathkid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    yea ply that is true. gambling can be an addiction like many other addictions.

    These people will sell their mama for a $2 SNG
    When I set out to get rich;
    I failed miserably.
    When I set out to help people;
    They made me rich!

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Pro scooterdice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    if you need to be staked or take out a loan gotta ask yourself .can i afford to play poker and do i have a problem

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    If I was looking to be staked what is the best way to go about it?

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mathkid View Post
    @azreal1 this is good advice. In my case I was promised my stake amount back to me if he stakee did not cash. I was also promised that the stakee would play a bunch of small tourneys and send me screen shots of all.

    Neither of these were provided to me and I had to track the stakee down and inquire and was sent 1 screen shot.

    Bottom line is I am out 300 Seals chips (200) of what we agreed would be paid back to me and that comes to $ 121.39 x .2 = $24.28 usd in real time that I am out for trying to do one of po's members a favor. He hit me in bubble chat out of the blue asking if I would stake and I did not know him from Leroy!

    Just saying watch out or consult with others on the proper way to do a stake if you are new.

    this is not a stake, this is a loan, a stake is risking ur money as the staker

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    yo pay up!!! bottom line if the kid didnt make it full understandable the staker had even said he would pay it back...regardless right or wrong....he was told he would be payed payment dont wanna be paid bc he keeps asking for it? thats crap...if he fucked up and he wasnt suppose to get stakeback or is he was.....doesnt matter....the person willing stated in thread he would be paid back....

    but ffs though...u are annoying aobut the apparently wanted to try n make extra cash for urself and the other didnt work out...move on....dont fuck wit the person again....stop making dumbass threads...they are annoying...but regardless of the show good faith staker pays up since he said he would after...he coulda simply said noooooooo nooooo and stuck wit it but didnt for w.e reason and thats that.....cant flip flop n say 1 day ur paying then the next ur not....why u dont fuck wit people do ur own thing

    i send out disclaimers b.c people tend to take shit the wrong way....its reality..

    ***highly stresss this isnt to fuck with either party*****

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTOMTABLES View Post
    yo pay up!!! bottom line if the kid didnt make it full understandable the staker had even said he would pay it back...regardless right or wrong....he was told he would be payed payment dont wanna be paid bc he keeps asking for it? thats crap...if he fucked up and he wasnt suppose to get stakeback or is he was.....doesnt matter....the person willing stated in thread he would be paid back....

    but ffs though...u are annoying aobut the apparently wanted to try n make extra cash for urself and the other didnt work out...move on....dont fuck wit the person again....stop making dumbass threads...they are annoying...but regardless of the show good faith staker pays up since he said he would after...he coulda simply said noooooooo nooooo and stuck wit it but didnt for w.e reason and thats that.....cant flip flop n say 1 day ur paying then the next ur not....why u dont fuck wit people do ur own thing

    i send out disclaimers b.c people tend to take shit the wrong way....its reality..

    ***highly stresss this isnt to fuck with either party*****
    Not fucking with me lol I agreed to MAKE UP, people please research the term, it is not slang, like he tried to accuse me of using "po slang" lol, MAKE UP is make up, period. The best advice on this thread is KNOW about staking and what you getting into, and the terms etc.

    And its plenty of reasons to get staked, but you guys are right, the little stakes offered here at PO is really not worth all of this. I have done stakes for hundreds of dollars that I could have scammed for, think I just decided to screw this guy over 300 swc chips?? And yes its obviously hes butt hurt I didnt bink one and just boost his roll like he planned and how I planned but it happens. But yes put it in writing is a good idea.

    And i didnt decide to just say fuck it and not pay him at all because of the threads or anything, it was the behind the scene name calling and trashing my name and things he would say that was disrespectful, so I have moved on instead of dealing with his childish remarks to me.

    And i have done stakes etc. with alot of members with no problems, this is why you dont fuck with newbs who is confused.

  7. #17
    Experienced Member
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    May 2013
    someone lend me 200 points for 50 back?

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