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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    poker is alll luck

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    terv poker isnt just luck it involves some skill too lol. your just really unlucky but really skilled so you get canceled out so it just sucks for you. i feel bad for some of the bests i see on you

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    terv poker isnt just luck it involves some skill too lol. your just really unlucky but really skilled so you get canceled out so it just sucks for you. i feel bad for some of the bests i see on you
    i always hear of u getting bad beats, but i guess ur pretty good. my friend sucks but's luck y wish i knew how that feels like

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    A total madness I do not believe that I algun day throw pre flop couple of aces ... but to this type him salio well...

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I am not going to lie. I was playing a live huge event at a casino in Prince Edward Island, Canada. It was females only, buy-in was $4,500 and we were down to 11, (top 10 made money) . I was about 7th in chips, and we were hand for hand. On the other table one of the ranked ahead of my in chip count busted, and I was in BB with AA. Chip leader was SB and pushed all-in. So if I call and win I'm in top 3 in chips, if I call and lose I miss out on $8500. So I folded it!! Haha, I ended up winning the tournament so I don't regret it one bit. I showed the table and they were amazed. But I'd do it again!

  6. #36
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    i think this guy knew what he is doing,unbelievable

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    wow that is unreal !!!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    wowwow~~ How could it be ?/? It is really unbelivable~~

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by synergybros View Post
    I am not going to lie. I was playing a live huge event at a casino in Prince Edward Island, Canada. It was females only, buy-in was $4,500 and we were down to 11, (top 10 made money) . I was about 7th in chips, and we were hand for hand. On the other table one of the ranked ahead of my in chip count busted, and I was in BB with AA. Chip leader was SB and pushed all-in. So if I call and win I'm in top 3 in chips, if I call and lose I miss out on $8500. So I folded it!! Haha, I ended up winning the tournament so I don't regret it one bit. I showed the table and they were amazed. But I'd do it again!
    I play really tight at the bubble, telling myself NOT to get involved in a hand w/ anybody that has more chips than me. It's almost like the online sites can sense that, tho, cuz they'll figure out a way to get even the tightest player to play the hand, just to set him up big time. I always fall for the a-a or k-k. Sumtimes I'll push all-in, hoping everyone would just fold, but sumbody always calls w/ 2 random cards and cracks my big pair. Or I'll just raise w/ a-k, hit top pair/top kicker, and sumbody else will hit a set. I'm always like "NOOOOOOOO!!!!! IF I HAD JUST FOLDED A FEW MORE HANDS, I WOULD'VE BEEN IN THE MONEY!!!" LOL! Sumtimes it depends on how much money is at stake, tho. If the bottom pay-outs aren't really anything, then it's better to always go for the win, not just to place. I think it's actually probably better to almost always go or the win, cuz a few 1st places equal a WHOLE BUNCH of bottom pay-outs, so winning sum would make up for all the bubble bust outs. I can't wait until my bankroll is big enough to always play to win 1st place, instead of needing to finish in the money so I don't lose my whole bankroll.

  10. #40
    Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GIOMi6 View Post
    I would never fold pocket aces, I don't know what he was thinking preflop
    Never? not even in a satellite tournament where the top 10 pays the same but 11th pays nuta

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