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Thread: Live chat gone?

  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran MsPokerVerse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    The chat is still there from wut I have noticed.
    ~Always have faith, believe in yourself, and look forward and you can achieve anything you want~

  2. #22
    OK this is really bugging me. Wheather on IE or Chrome, clearing cookies or not I am having the same problem. I go to the PokerOwned home page while not logged in and the chat is there. I log in and it is gone. When not logged in there is, understandably no place to post because I an not logged in. This chat I am talking about is the live chat I assume. Some people saying "what chat" is messing with my mind! Please dont pull the leg of a new member. Just looking for answers. The chat box says Dont beg for anything. Why does it disappear as soon as I log in. I wanna chat dammit!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You gotta talk to zab.. email him and he will fix that for you. My cousin had same thing. Zab can fix ya up. I think that is just for new people so he can verify or something.. But its a fixable issue when zabster gets on.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonghead View Post
    You gotta talk to zab.. email him and he will fix that for you. My cousin had same thing. Zab can fix ya up. I think that is just for new people so he can verify or something.. But its a fixable issue when zabster gets on.
    Hey thanks Bonghead. Being new and hearing all the talk about Zab I thought he was like the magic man behind the curtan, never to be seen! I will message him and get to the bottom of this. Thanks bro!

  5. #25
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I see the chat window, but nowhere for me to enter text. Tried Chrome, FF and IE. Nothing works. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
    Luck is a residue of skill.

  6. #26
    Elite PokerOwned Member bikkeromano's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    realy , now is not chat alive ,,,, where its go ? , its return?
    im bikkeromano

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