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Thread: Greencard

  1. #41
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Bmeelneg I think you make some very VALID points for sure. but on some points ill agree to disagree.

    "Slave labor is cheap, American made products are expensive." but therein lies the problem, American products are expensive but not cause of the American workers wage its because of the greed at the top of these companys. The top 1to5% of these companys make more then all employees combined, which is what drives the cost up. During the last 30 years greed has taken over and because of that the people who make them there money has been forgotten. Companys used to take care of there own and wasnt concerned with HUGE profits but more so with the happiness of its employees. them days are gone sadly and i just dont see em coming back EVER. Take big oil for example, is 32 billion a quarter not enough profit while getting that profit at the expense of people who can barely afford to even goto work now? GREED, when is enough profit enough, While all the tax burdens are being put on the hard working class while the rich get away with paying none to very little taxes and companys pay no property tax while homeowners(and i say that loosely cause even when its paid off you dont own it) have to pay there taxes? people btch about welfare and the people on it but thats nothing in comparison to what companys get in welfare. Corporate welfare is a MUCH bigger problem (by at least 100x) then all people on food stamps afdc and medicaid.

    Its really a sad state are country is heading and there is no way to stop it except take all greed away. when you have 5% population thats RICH and maybe ( and thats a BIG maybe) 10% middle class and the rest are poor you have serious problems. As bad as some people think unions have been back in the day there was a HUGE middle class because of em. Now theres barely any middle class left at all thanks to trickle down economics which clearly hasnt worked and will continue not to work.
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  2. #42
    PokerOwned God
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    Jan 2011

    With your last last post, the phrase "preaching to the choir" comes to mind. Zero disagreement on the greed factor.

    You might be interested in this "mainstream" documentary ... The Corporation (2003) - IMDb

    I put mainstream in quotes not because its super well known and shown on TV every other week. More so because you can find it on netflick. While it is still very relative to today, it is to some degree dated since it was released in 2003. There is plenty of "underground" stuff that talks about things that have changed since its release.

  3. #43
    Seasoned Veteran
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    how to they get online in mexico? two donkeys run in circles to generate power?

  4. #44
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
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    greencard green card just posting to clear my neigtive point balance!!!

  5. #45
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    still got thousands of posts to goOooooooooooo1!!!!!

  6. #46
    Elite PokerOwned Member pokerponed's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Oh this is an old thread back from 2011. I dont know if this still applies.

  7. #47
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wagon596 View Post
    Please don't get me started on the "WETBACK" problem here in the USA,,, oops too late. They are killing this country, have you ever seen the line at a Western Union on a Friday afternoon ? There are millions of dollars being sent to Mexico every year. People say, "well, they will do jobs that americans won't do". I bet you could find an American to do any job in the 10% of unemployed. Mexicans say they just want a "better life". Well not at the USA's cost of quality of life. I'm a veteran and I didn't serve this country so illegals have the same rights as true Americans. I'm sure some people will be offended by what I say, well get over it, it's America that's at risk here !!
    Next time I'll tell you how I really feel. LOL
    Yeah we came over here and stole land from the Indians, but yet somehow honest hard working Mexicans that want a better life for themselves and their families are the bad people. Last time I checked, the USA is a melting pot. The statue of liberty says, " Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to be free. The illegal immigrants are not stealing our jobs either Wagon. We have way too many entitled people here that are not willing to do jobs that they deem to be beneath their standing. Obviously we have an immigration problem that needs to be addressed, but throwing out uninformed opinions does not help the problem. Talking about millions of dollars being sent out of the country is laughable. I could go on for hours on how wildly misinformed you are, but I will digress.

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueOC View Post
    greencard green card just posting to clear my neigtive point balance!!!
    That is against the rules sir!

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