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Thread: Greencard

  1. #11
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drywallman3 View Post
    Is it the Illegals that piss you off or is it just all hispanics? Just curious
    Just illegals,,, I assure you that I'm not a racist. I just have a problem with anyone that takes advantage our country...

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Feb 2011
    Ehhh....any credit card ends up being bad news, but if I am to get any more points for anything, I may ahve to get

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran Peteyweestro's Avatar
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    I hate illegals so much, if my family can come here as political refugees and seek asylum and learn the language and become citizens and actually contribute to this great land ( except where gambling is concerned) then so should everyone else. Those that don't need to go back with total prejudice i say. When my son is held back at school from learning so bad that he gets totally bored with it and it threatens his future all because some kids don't speak the language and the district makes his teachers spend more time with them, i say bullshit put them in a class by themselves till they learn the language also enough is enough already.
    All money ain't good money......
    and all bitches ain't female neither !

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    lol!!!!!!!!! you also a refuggee

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    haha thats too funny why would you take that much time just to get the points it seems like a waste

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wagon596 View Post
    Please don't get me started on the "WETBACK" problem here in the USA,,, oops too late. They are killing this country, have you ever seen the line at a Western Union on a Friday afternoon ? There are millions of dollars being sent to Mexico every year. People say, "well, they will do jobs that americans won't do". I bet you could find an American to do any job in the 10% of unemployed. Mexicans say they just want a "better life". Well not at the USA's cost of quality of life. I'm a veteran and I didn't serve this country so illegals have the same rights as true Americans. I'm sure some people will be offended by what I say, well get over it, it's America that's at risk here !!
    Next time I'll tell you how I really feel. LOL
    Couple questions for ya? Why don't the 10% of 'real americans' do the jobs you say u bet they would. It's as available to them as it is to the immigrants. Why? because they don't want too. What do you believe to be true 'americans'? You were a vet? What rights and freedoms do you think you were fighting to protect? Ever seen what's written on the statue of liberty? Ever realize that this country was founded on the principles of an open country? So, the WU, where all the immigrants are sending millions over the border as you call it. Do you realize that the top 1% of rich 'real americans' are sending billions and billions to other countries to outsource real american jobs, not the jobs that you think are being 'worked' by illegal immigrants. I have no idea what your beliefs are ideals are, but, you should get the real facts straight to illegal immigration, and the problems associated with it. Not just what the 'minute men' and other isolation groups spout out. Just FYI, if you are at least open to listening. If not. Oh well. GL to ya.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Master
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    I think the employers hiring the immigrants (which has been going on for 200 years, now) pay slave wages anyhow. The pittance they mail back to their families is nothing compared to the bucks that the employers made. Until you fine the employers, and take over their ill gotten gains, there is no easy remedy in sight.
    But this will not occur, because our country is based on taking advantage of others. Such as selling enemy countries our weaponry to make a buck, etc. I also believe in a balanced budget amendment. We have been a country for 200 years and still haven't made enough money to be out of debt??? B.S. Not a free country. An indebted country.

  8. #18
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2011
    well said.. (o-

  9. #19
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    good question, if anyone knows that answer, I am interested to know too

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Everyone does realize that if a non-American is applying for a Green Card, then he/she is trying to enter the country legally, right? I don't understand the turn this conversation has taken, why are we speaking about illegal immigrants at all, when the survey is to apply for a legal work permit in the USA?

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