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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    free rolls anyone will play any thing all in at any time stay away from all in unless your hand is solid-AA,KK QQ AK

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sounds like some pre-flop donking is in order for you pretty often mr flea.... Good luck with that free rolling and surely say "Good Game" like such a gentleman... lol....

  3. #13
    Corky1 Corky1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    my freeroll stratagy is to play loose and aggressive, It did not cost you any thing so take more risks than you normally would..

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran SyKoChiller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Straight up advice. Private Free Rolls seems to play out very differently then the "Regular" ones where anyone can enter. Those are generally a donk fest for the 1st hour or so. I'm not one to run around screaming OLP is rigged but after not playing on Bovada for the past 2 months & being back online there for the past week; its seems so phony & rigged! Like they will take peoples chips & "donate" them to a specific player. Idk it just always seems like I'll lose ANY hand for a week or 2 straight after a withdraw & yesterday had this guy shoving like 2 places from under the gun @ 9 man table with crap like 10/6 off, I had almost 5x chip lead against whole table in BB with A/10D call his shove for like 1750ish & the idiot wins with a pair of 6's. I then watched for about another hour the site donate chips to this moron (shoving U/G with 2's) seemed he'd win every hand on the river, they'd donate all or most of a players chips & move them to another table immediately after that hand.
    Just seems RIGGED!! Played 2 games at once on there too & I'll have same hands/different suit but same whole card & kicker about 10x in an hour WTF the odds of that are ridiculous, not to mention that ever other hand is one that never plays out like it does online in real life! Kind of amazed I've won some of the big prizes I have on that site. I've never had any problems with payouts there but the play seems totally opposite of live play.
    Last edited by SyKoChiller; 10-14-2013 at 07:51 PM.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Been playing quite a few public freerolls on Pokerstars ( note they are depositors freerolls, therefor already less donks ) but depending on the number of players, you will usually get rid of the donks in the first hours. So basically, I just play real tight, limp in when I can, double up when I hit the monster, and loosen up as the game goes on...

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SyKoChiller View Post
    Straight up advice. Private Free Rolls seems to play out very differently then the "Regular" ones where anyone can enter. Those are generally a donk fest for the 1st hour or so. I'm not one to run around screaming OLP is rigged but after not playing on Bovada for the past 2 months & being back online there for the past week; its seems so phony & rigged! Like they will take peoples chips & "donate" them to a specific player. Idk it just always seems like I'll lose ANY hand for a week or 2 straight after a withdraw & yesterday had this guy shoving like 2 places from under the gun @ 9 man table with crap like 10/6 off, I had almost 5x chip lead against whole table in BB with A/10D call his shove for like 1750ish & the idiot wins with a pair of 6's. I then watched for about another hour the site donate chips to this moron (shoving U/G with 2's) seemed he'd win every hand on the river, they'd donate all or most of a players chips & move them to another table immediately after that hand.
    Just seems RIGGED!! Played 2 games at once on there too & I'll have same hands/different suit but same whole card & kicker about 10x in an hour WTF the odds of that are ridiculous, not to mention that ever other hand is one that never plays out like it does online in real life! Kind of amazed I've won some of the big prizes I have on that site. I've never had any problems with payouts there but the play seems totally opposite of live play.


  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2013
    interesting kind of play, really works for you, can be u tight or loose

  8. #18
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Loosey Goosey is the way to go. Get em in there people. Its free what have you got to lose!!!!!

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    i think patience is key! i really dont see the rush! just sit back and wait for the kill hands and take out the donks that shove all the time!!

  10. #20
    Seasoned Veteran Suhweet's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    ALL IN .. Do or Die... I feel like in freerolls too many people limp in with B.S hands .. if you let them.. so I go hard and if i lose O well.. I will play the next and try again.. I don't really have any type of strategy that's probably a bad thing.
    Punish the Deed Not the Breed

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