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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Do Not Lend, Borrow or Beg

    Anyone who thinks they can trust anyone here, besides Mods, and Zab, is a FOOL.

    ALL chip loaning, sharing, borrowing, dumping, or whatever you want to call it, Is just STUPID,

    Imagine walking up to strangers at a brick and mortor game, and begging to borrow your buyin, Good way to get shot.

    Bitches hide here and get away with it.


    Any benefit of sending your chips to someone else, is out weighed be risk of never getting them back.
    When you swim in the TOILET, your gonna get some shit on you.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    how much time u think about it

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    To funny but true thats why if I ask for something I tell you not to expect it back

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I feel the same way about the lending, borrowing, etc... Unless I know someone fairly well (which in reality how well can you know someone online) but I have built trustworthy friendships online that are successful. Other than that, when dealing with virtually someone unkown, I like to go by the rule that I do not borrow and do not lend.
    If I was to break that rule, the loss would be my fault.

    I do think though that everyone here makes their own decisions and should already know the risks, if not live and learn.
    Last edited by Poof; 08-24-2011 at 10:12 AM.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    hey sprocket i hear what you are saying, but whats the deal with you dude, i have read several posts from you and they all have a negative tone about them, do you ever have anything positive to say, i am just saying,,calling peeps morons, idiots alot is so childish, but maybe its me, some of you guys act like 18 year old kids..i guess being 40+ see things different than some of you, i give some peeps the benefit of doubt..there are some good peeps on hear..

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yup, its called exaggeration and it gets the point across,

    New members may be unaware of the facts, involving losing there points by lending them.

    Thinking that there is some recourse if they cant get payed back,

    and because it is done so openly, it appears to be a safe transaction.

    Newbies can be preyed on and negative acts performed would continue.

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    This is one of my general rules, to be very very careful in online things...

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I am relatively new, seeing all the lending I did think it was common and relatively safe, which I quickly found not to be true. Maybe a thread should be started listing all the borrowers that didnt pay back. I don't really see the need to borrow, I've made thousands of pts off tasks, not that difficult. You can post, watch videos, scratch lottery ticket, not a lot pts for these but you can do it everyday. I agree with sprocket, don't lend unless you don't care if you don't get it back.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sprocketdog View Post
    Anyone who thinks they can trust anyone here, besides Mods, and Zab, is a FOOL.

    ALL chip loaning, sharing, borrowing, dumping, or whatever you want to call it, Is just STUPID,

    Imagine walking up to strangers at a brick and mortor game, and begging to borrow your buyin, Good way to get shot.

    Bitches hide here and get away with it.


    Any benefit of sending your chips to someone else, is out weighed be risk of never getting them back.
    When you swim in the TOILET, your gonna get some shit on you.
    Yes its true THE ME GENERATION!

    I am a lender so you are calling me a moron. Well your a fucking idiot. Some people around here are good people and very trustworthy, others are not. Some people around here are educated, others are not. Everytime you open your mouth you continue to disapoint me. You really are an idiot.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Unfortunately there is like a group of people who if you loan to you might be lucky to see the loan repayed. But saying that i think that the trustworthy people outweigh the untrustworthy. Its just a matter of the untrustworthy being louder and more frequent in their begging.

    The one thing people need to look out for is when someone complains in chat about not being able to do any surveys etc, and then asking for a loan. These people obviously have no intent to do any surveys so why would you expect them to have the points to pay you back. Also there is a group of client degenerates who beg for like 200 pts and then go sit at the 10/20 game where everyone else has like 2k, and try for a miracle.

    But there majority of people here deserve the benefit of the doubt. Just because the minorty is louder and more frequent in begging doesnt mean they are the majority.

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