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  1. #1
    New Member
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    Oct 2013

    Bovada PLO games

    Hi everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone had any experience playing PLO on Bovada?


  2. #2
    128 is offline
    Experienced Member
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    Oct 2013
    YEAH ive played alot of plo on bovada, its pretty tough. It seems like players get hot and then extremely cold, you can sit down for
    10 minutes and quad up your stack or vice versa. If you want to do well , if your hands are holding up keep riding them, if not take a
    break and comeback. seriously just take a break it makes a huge difference. I like to play 2 tables and if i loose my buy in i dont rebuy, but generally when i win its more then 2 my buy in.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Oct 2013
    yeah PLO on Bovada,, there's ALWAYS a game or an SNG going. try it out!

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran mike7734's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Yea bovado the best next to true poker!!

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Aug 2011
    i will only play live plo fuck it online ya?

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Oct 2013
    I am a PLO novice, I know just that double suited is good and pockets are guarenteed nothing as a straight or flush is almost always out there.

    Playing the obvious basics I won a 50$ buy in ticket for 2.20$ buy in on my first try. These tourneys can seriously boost your bank roll for very little risk.

    Also if you're not sure how the cards will draw out head to the play money tables. Sure it's fake and people will try and see every hand but why not? It's mostly the same program and getting a feel for how things "usually" play out is priceless.

    Bovada is strange as people will push all in needing runners to suck out so beware. It's amazingly loose which can be great or be a bastard if Lady Luck is not on your side that day.

    Playing smart will usually work out more than not but I have hit a few cold streaks, ones I had never hit on full tilt, and people just kept hitting three outers like it was no big deal. Like calling $5.00 raises against my KK or AA with 8 4 of hearts, I catch a king or ace for trips and they get one card to a flush to straight and after I raise heavy they call both turn and river and hit the most insane flush or straight or even straight flush it's absolutely mind blowing.

    Bovada is a site that if guy don't take some time off after some bad beats your bankroll will be decimated. It goes against all logic the way people play, so be careful no matter which version of cards you want to play.

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