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Thread: Bet Strategy

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    lol, yeah, i am forgetting this is for beginners, so that being now freshly on my mind, this is a good starting point. Something to kind of guide them on there quest to becoming advanced. So yeah, this is a good guideline for the new player, kinda gives them a understanding how to bet, cause I see alot of beginners really having no idea. min betting or 2x bb bets on every street just to get drawn out on cause the price was right, good tips

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ty billy. yeah blind stealing, position, and opportunity bets and calls are a totally different lesson, in which someone should master the 3x or fold along with playing the right starting hands before confusing more advanced strategies. always need a base to go back to when something you try doesn't work

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
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    Good tips for those learning the game.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Those are some good tips. Hope it helps me out

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    nice post for the beginnners section garlicky..

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Very nice post for beginners. TY

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    play less win more
    too many hands get ur stack a dwindling

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GarlicButter View Post
    This is from my experience, and from the few coaching sessions i've had with friends online.

    If you are going to play, you want to be the aggressor. Unless there are a lot of limpers in the pot before your action, you either want to bet or fold. Depending on your starting hand, you may want to limp too, or you may want to bet. If you have a premium hand, you will want to raise to try and knockout some crappier hands, so they don't hit a 5-9 straight vs your AA.

    Standard rule of thumb - bet 3 x BB + 1BB per limper. So if the blinds are at 50/100. You are in seat 7, and there have been 2 limpers in front, your bet would be 500.

    If someone has riase before you, you want to be bet 3x their bet.

    If you have 10bb's or less, or getting close, any play you have will be shove or fold. Your best bet will be to shove an unopened pot, unless you have a monster then you should just shove.

    Also, if any of your bets will put 1/3 or more of your stack into the middle, you should just shove anyway. Any lesser bet, and then a shove by the other player, you are pot-committed and will have to call anyway.

    Post Flop
    Alright, you've seen a flop. You hit top pair, two pair, set, straight etc., the usual post flop bet for me is 2/3 of the pot, and again if it puts enough of your stack in the middle, you should just shove..

    You've seen the flop, and didn't hit. 2 options.
    Option1- Continuation bet - you bet 2/3 of the pot hoping to get a fold. If you still don't hit after the turn or river, let the pot go, unless you are really sure you can get a fold.
    Option2 - Let the pot go, cut your losses.

    You've flopped the Nuts
    If you flop the best hand, no other combinations can be made with the turn and river to beat your hand, you many want to check the flop and hope to get a bet from the opponent, cause chanes are, they won't call if you have the absolute best hand.

    Turn and River Pretty much the same as betting on the flop. You should always make your opponents pay to see your hand, don't go offering free information to them that will let them know what kind of hands you are playing, and how you bet them.

    remember, bet or fold. no flats, flats get you no info on the opponent.
    I bolded the part I really want to talk about. You are very unclear with this "so-called strategy". You suggest being the aggressor, but then say but you may want to just call depending on the hand. You also mention that you either want to "bet" or "fold" preflop, again depending on your hand. You mention wanting to raise with a premium hand. Let me give you a good example of how this "strategy" is flawed.

    You are playing in a deep stack $1/2 NL Hold'em game at your local casino. You currently have a stack of $750 and the tables average stack is also around $750. (Thus why this is a deepstack game, one that is often to be seen at larger casinos) The game is currently 9 handed when you get dealt "pocket Aces" UTG. According to your strategy I want to raise here and get out of weaker hands...

    You're strategy: You standard raise here anywhere from $7 to $10. The rest of the table folds in exception of 3 players. The hand is played out from here, you against three other players. You have a 64% chance of winning this hand in this scenario.

    Optimal Strategy: First off let me say this is not truly optimal strategy, strategy changes depending on the situation (chip stack, players skill level, type of game, etc.). I am just using this name to better emphasize my point. The same hand is played except this time you limp in UTG. It is very likely another player will open up betting and do a standard raise; However, this time you re-raise UTG resulting in you either A, winning the pot right now, or B, going to the flop heads up with one other opponent. Pocket aces against one random hand has an 85% chance of winning.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Mrlova, that is a good suggestion, and the use of both strategies is a good idea to help through people off your trail. you just have to be ready to fold the AA when a 7 8 9 board comes up.

    Also, i tend to be a "get them chippies in the pot preflop" kind of player.

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member vali1212's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    this post it's k,but can't play poker only''from the books''.if u don't have a little luck then u will fold AA always

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