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Thread: Bad beats

  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Bad beats

    Has anyone notice it seems like there are more and more bad beats lately at full tilt tables

  2. #2
    Zab is offline
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    I don't know if it's just FTP, but you always remember the bad beats and never remember the time you put a bad beat on someone.

    The thing is, a really good poker player should 'in theory' never give bad beats. He should have his money in with the best of it. So 'in theory', you will always get bad beats.

    So take it as a compliment
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    There is no online site out there that is out to get you. The don't benefit from specifically targeting you as someone who they give bad beats to. In fact, they will lose out coz if they do, you won't play there anymore. And not to mention that their reputation will be ruined if they get caught. So, no, it's not there are more bad beats. Maybe you're just going through a rough patch. Or you just remember them more because like Zabulus said, you're more likely to remember bad beats than good ones. And just think, if you've got a bad beat, than the other guy has gotten some good luck. So not everyone is getting bad beats, and they're not targeting you. Why would they?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I always "get" bad beats when I'm lucky at the beginning. I always have min. set of 8s or better and losing on the river with straight or flush, if I have flush, I lose with vs a bigger flush and so on. It's boring sometimes - freeroll source

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    25 more to beat the bad beats. I play nothing but super turbos, "bad beats" happen every 1.2 seconds. Also, just think how many hands are being dealt every second on any given site. You are bound to see a fuck ton of "bad beats".

    I don't really think most fo these bad beats are really bad beats. I see a few people at home games saying i got it in good with 2 pair....other guy has a oesfd....not a bad beat, but they think it is. But bad beats let fish(op) think they are not as bad as they are.

  6. #6
    Seasoned Veteran
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    I want to tell about bad bad beat.)) I have pocket 2 on the button. Everybody before me folded. I raise 3bb. Big blind re-raise, I call. Flop 2 6 A. I am all in because i had near 8 bb he call with 5 3. Turn blank, river 4.)) so sick)) UB really often do it.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2011
    bad beats are part of poker and the more you play poker
    then more you will get
    and i agree that if you play gamblers then you will get a lot more bad beats than if you play good poker players

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Bad beats happen everywhere. However, online seems like it happens way more. This is because we are play 4 times as many hands in an hour. Which also means bad beats will occur more often. No matter what site you play on or when u play bad beats are a mathmatical likely hood and will happen thats just poker

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Bad Beats are just part of the game.

    Just variance and nothing more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Bad Beats- Yes, they suck and yes, they sicken you. But that's only when you're on the receiving end. But think of how nice they are when you get your miracle straight on the river.

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