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Thread: Your Move

  1. #21
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Well if you know the person well he could bluff you, depending what kind of images you have.
    PokerStars: ProBlackbird | Betsson: ProBlackbird | Party Poker: UnknownFlush

  2. #22
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ProBlackbird View Post
    Well if you know the person well he could bluff you, depending what kind of images you have.
    Well I knew the person enough to know his playing style...the range I put him on was one of the two mentioned back a bit, and sure enough thats what he ended up having

  3. #23
    Seasoned Veteran
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    in that situation i just call to see what is coming ( an another 8 or another 10) because u can't risk so much there even u have the flush A high ( he doesn't play many hands just strong hands) so if he is re-raising with QQ he can have also a poket 10's, so all u can do it's JUST call and see what happens, after that if there not comes 8 or 10 i think u can call hes all in, just if he is going all in on the river.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxr5221 View Post
    Your sitting at a live cash table..You've been there for about an hour and a half and your stack is about 2.5x larger than what you sat down get dealt ADJD and are first to enter the hand...You throw at a raise of 3xBB and you get two callers, the person next two X1 who is lag type of player...two seats down you have another caller X2 who seems to be playing a tag type of style (doesn't play a lot of hands..when he is in a hand raising or re-raising pre with QQ's, etc, also has 2nd largest stack at table..yours is largest).

    Flop comes 8D 10D 8C...Pot sitting at about $50

    Your first to act you bet out $24 and they both call making the turn around $125ish
    Board now shows 8D 10D 8C 7D

    Now you bet out $40..X1 folds and X2 re-raises to $140 (sitting with about another $200 behind)...What is your move in this situation and why?

    i would call the reraise and check to him on the river and allow him to bet, since you say he is a tight player, more than likely he has AA, KK, QQ, i doubt he has a 8, but let the tight player lead out, it could be a trap, regardless if he has a overpair you will get paid off nicely with your nut will make money here, but you also can avoid a major loss in case the guy have sets of 1010 or 77 and he fills up...i would not reraise him back unless you fell pretty dam lucky...

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Pro
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    call call call every time call !

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God
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    i like koz's answer lol .. no input on the hand or anything . just call!


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ur pretty much just playing the guessing game in here without seeing or being able to read ur opponent

  8. #28
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodthat View Post
    ur pretty much just playing the guessing game in here without seeing or being able to read ur opponent
    I mean I was able to read him ..I put him on 1-3 hands...I didn't put him on pocket tens because He limped in and earlier I saw him raise at the table with pocket 7's and pocket 9's (one of the first few hands he played when I got to the table)..So that let me know he didn't have a pocket pair on the board...I put him on Khi or Qhi flush or the trip 8s (A8)...He ended up having the trip 8s...A lot of how I play is based upon the player and being able to read ppl (not just playing my cards), so based upon the situation and how the hand played (plus how previous hands were played by them, what position they were in for those hands,stack sizes, etc.) is how I determine what to do and make my play

  9. #29
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  10. #30
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