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  1. #41
    Corky1 Corky1's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    I think that MP was set mining and when he missed the flop (no 4) he laid it down, too many ways for him to loose the hand.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    would u consider a freeroll as cash tourment i would because if played right u can do great in end up in the money.

  3. #43
    PokerOwned Master BradysDad's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Those low pairs are only good for flopping sets, otherwise pitch em. It is possible he is losing and cannot catch up, so better to get away cheap
    My Movember mustache will rock your world!

  4. #44
    Experienced Member
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BradysDad View Post
    Those low pairs are only good for flopping sets, otherwise pitch em. It is possible he is losing and cannot catch up, so better to get away cheap
    He flopped a full house

  5. #45
    Elite PokerOwned Member JLynn171's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbarker305 View Post
    if i was the villian in the hand holding 44 here and you lead 24 cents into me i would most likely have put in a raise to find out where i am at because you are most likely continuation betting 100% of the time here. So i would have probably timed down and made it something to the effect of .58 or .61 and then folded to a reraise but i think that open folding 44 here then you flop a full house is not necessarily the most profitable move here and that reraising for value/information is most likely the correct move. However i must say that just because i would be reraising this flop here holding 44 against you does not mean at all that i am commited to this hand and would be calling a 4 bet shove from you. Like i said i would put in a decent sized reraise for information to find out exactly where i stand and then folding to a 4bet shove.
    So you would re-raise half your stack almost then fold to a re-raise??? its either fold or shove imo (fold)

  6. #46
    Experienced Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danger1666 View Post
    cash maybe not.. Tourney.. check your hud
    cash game

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    It's a fold for me. Unless you go runner-runner on 4s you're not improving, and there are so many ways to get hashed it's not even funny, if not by the flop alone (bigger full house) then an ace, queen, etc. hitting the turn or river.

    Let that puppy go.

  8. #48
    Experienced Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonv12 View Post
    While this is a good idea in theory, only stronger hands will continue with a call when the 44 re-pops, AND the A8 knows (or should know) the 44 never has a big pocket pair (he'd 3bet with that preflop) and he would just call to not scare the other hand away with a K. Therefore, a thinking player will just re-raise any air here (which I would do with the A8), knowing that NONE of the 44's range can ever really continue. Now if the 44 gives us credit to deduce all that and to go THAT far, things might get trickier and then the original re-pop might be okay, but as a range merging bet, not as an information bet because in reality, in a hand with two thinking players, the raise is just throwing away chips because its intentions are clear.
    I like to think that I am a "thinking player", but I was not thinking the 44 never has a big PP cause he didn't 3bet. I don't always 3bet big PP's Like everything in poker, it depends. And my thinking is not in the "range merging bet" depth. Not yet anyway. But I'm trying.
    I heard somewhere that a mistake lots of people make is thinking your opponents play like you do. I would do "X" with that so since he didn't do that he can't have "X" hand. I agree with part of your previous post about showing the fold. Why did he do that?
    One more thing...... You seem to be a really deep thinking player which I will remember when I play you again

  9. #49
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Apr 2011
    you just play bad hand end get lucky end way you dont think if the gay make call that he had hand

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I think that you check and let him induce a bet and if you have stats over him then you can make a proper decision.

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