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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran Tropwen's Avatar
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    When Re-Buying.......

    Do u take the 2x rebuy? or single, and if u need to another single?

    And if that didn't give enough detail......

    ex. You buy in to a $1.10 tournament and bust, you then get the option to rebuy, ether a single for $1 (2000chips) or a 2x for $2 (4000chips) I lean towards the double but know there are pros and cons on both sides so wanting to know POs opinion
    High as Heaven, Eyes low as Hell

  2. #2
    Experienced Member
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    My advice is to stay away from rebuy tourneys altogether as people play lilke crap because they can just rejoin...well this applies if you have a small bankroll...cheers

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran helps's Avatar
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    If playing rebuys, I'm always trying to play that well, so there's no need for rebuy. Even if others are shoving like crazy, I stick to my usual play. If I get into situation where I need rebuy, I'm gonna go for double rebuy. Can't say why, that's just the way I do it..... but I agree that I prefer freezouts, so I don't really play that many rebuys.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master AZPLAYS11's Avatar
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    I don't like playing in Re-buys. It causes people to play bad as long as they know they can re-buy chips. It's tough because there are mostly good players but the once that keep dumping all in make it hard to play the right way. I only buy single in I do a re-buy.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master
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    I am going the opposite way than what others say, lets say you join a 2.20$ 1R+1A and that you TAKE the R+A

    You are therefor in a 6$ MTT, with a .20$ Rake.

    If you join a 6$ MTT, you will be paying at the minimum .60$ Rake.

    Now, put on an individual basis, the .40$ Difference is not huge, however, put it into a 2500 people MTT, that .40$ suddenly becomes an added 1000$ to the prizepool... Which is simply laying there for you to have...

    Of course, when buying into a +R tournament, you need to take into condideration that it is no longer a 1.10$ MTT, or a 2.20$ MTT, but now three times that amount.

    The idea is to 3x the buy-in amount, so that you can still keep proper Bankroll Management in the EVENTUALITY that you need to rebuy and addon.
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  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I wish all of the tournamnets on carbon did not have rebuys it makes people play dum because they know that they can rebuy it takes away from the game and skill

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    ALWAYS buy as many chips as you can as soon as you can.

    This is just low-hanging fruit, in my opinion (and most of the top players I know). Buy in, and buy up right away. If you can't afford 2 buy-ins + the add-on, you have no business in the rebuy tournament in the first place. I generally prepare to play 5-7 buy-ins, plus add-on. There is logic behind it:

    In the early stages of a rebuy, the action will be fast and furious. Don't show up for a gunfight with one bullet. If and when you get a chance to double up, make sure it's for as much as possible. If you get AA on the first hand, and only have 1500 chips, but there are solid players at your table who've already stacked up, you are still at a disadvantage somewhat. Double 3k to 6k, and now you're in a great spot to take advantage of all the fools.

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    dont like those re tourneys, u need a good roll to play them

  9. #9
    tex is offline
    PokerOwned Master
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    Most of the these tourneys the add on has way more value than the rebuy try to make it to the break and hit the addon.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tex View Post
    Most of the these tourneys the add on has way more value than the rebuy try to make it to the break and hit the addon.

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