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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    his bet size on the turn represents a progressive bet
    so if he isnt bluffing that means that his hand is already made,
    so its liklely that the 9 doesnt make a difference. i think that an average player would do that with a pair of tens,
    so you should not have folded especially because it was only 180 more to call, and if you were right (which i think most likely you would be) you would take down a 2k pot.
    think about it 190 more for 2k
    it seems like a good call to me,
    if he bet like 2k then you would have had to think about it,
    but for 190 more i would have called with a high in the hopes it is a bluff.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    At that point, for only 190 more, and given your stack size, I would have called. The 190 would have been worth the information to find out if he was bluffing or maybe semi-bluffing until the river.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    what actually made me fold was the river bet of all in which would have left me broke i got impression like you say he had a ok hand hand aand was trying to keep me in betting until river were i felt there was a high risk of him having a straight so i folded had if i would have felt that i could have afforded to lose the bet i might have gone for was the difference between me finishing hand with 2k stack on a fold or 6k with a winning or 100 odd chips with a losing one.

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