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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master budsfru's Avatar
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    I think he had a sm.pair but NOT the 9.I also think he was either trying represent the 9 or he saw no high (ace's,king's or queens) cards and he thought he was good.I would have pushed (hard) but that's just me.This an excellent example of a card hand,btw.I'm assuming you went all in?as you know the outcome

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Veteran confused247's Avatar
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    It seems like this guy could very well have something like A9 or K9 in his range with the hands you've seen earlier. With that being said, I don't think he had a 9 in this situation because of him leading into you. Based how you described his AA play earlier it looks like he would make a trap play if he did have trip 9s. I would say he had a hand like AT or KT, my play would be to shove all in.

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member dipstick2's Avatar
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    yes i got to agree it would be a tuff decision but i thnk he got pok jj,i would call an hope yu catch him with his pants down
    win if yu can but always play fair

  4. #14
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Tough spot In my opinion.

    With him limping makes me believe he has a WIDE range esp with the information from previous hands. Personally from what information I have I think its a shove/fold. Im more worried with the heck the bb is doing flatting then checking/shoving. Having the bb guy behind you is just a very unfortunate and bad spot. I would have laid it down unless your absolutely sure and have a read on them that the limper has like a10 draw ect and the bb called to protect thinking he can take it down post flop.

    I understand shoving and I understand folding depends completely on what your seeing and reading at the table. With the information I have I lay it down esp with the blinds raising because I feel like your able to take more and build back up. The guy just has a huge wide range and why stick it in on a complete guess when you can wait for a better situation and spot. Im not real worried about the limper I would have been more concern with the bb guy flatting then checking since hes behind you your just in an awful spot because if you shove your getting a call from one of them and they could have a made hand or overs and its still a flip.

    Think you can wait for a better spot but I understand shoving if you feel like you had some information on the limper and bb how there betting and how quickly ect.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master budsfru's Avatar
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    If i thought bb was gonna fold,i would have ta push.I couldn't live with myself if i couldn't see the turn or river,but like i said thats just me

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    wow very tough with bubble coming, I am no pro but I would have went into the think tank, stared the player down and after a few moments I would have smiled and slowly shoved all in and stared at the player to see what there move was going to be.

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by dipstick2 View Post
    yes i got to agree it would be a tuff decision but i thnk he got pok jj,i would call an hope yu catch him with his pants down
    My concern was A9 because of the A8 play. When he had AA earlier, he made a small value bet after flop, so 8K into 15K+ pot made me think he thought he was ahead. As mpetite said, the bb was another concern of mine. Calling, as some suggested just didnt make sense to me, as that would of put me at close to 10-12 bb's very shortly after while folding still left me 15-17. I decided to fold. I know what he had cause we both made it to final table and talked for awhile during break. I mentioned the hand and he did think he was ahead, with JJ. Don't know if shoving was correct play, but i wish i would of, lol.

    Dipstick was only JJ i saw, so set up the 100 in market.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Master budsfru's Avatar
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    nice call on the JJ,I'm impressed and will stay out of your way,lol...........

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by budsfru View Post
    nice call on the JJ,I'm impressed and will stay out of your way,lol...........
    lol, i said i folded. Ended up getting a couple hands after, made it to final table along with that guy and out lasted him. Very crazy final table, these are all short stack wins:

    A 8 > A K (that was me)
    AJs > AKs and AQs
    78s > 22 (again me)
    JQ > AK
    All these happened when we were 5 handed

    btw, i ended up taking 4th for $330

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God
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    Fold. He called you with A - 9 or pocket tens. get out now. But, what did he really have.

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