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  1. #51
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2013
    lock is the real bad culprit.. unfortunately.. many may never get there money off.. read 2p2 lock cashout threads

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisdione View Post
    seems to me that your friends account had something attached to it and may have marked for either cheating or something of verbal abuse. I have never heard of any site not allowing a cash out for a US player. Think there is more to it but just my opinion.
    no.. here in the usa we have no guarentees ...... lock is deffinetly not payin out and prob wont.. I know several pros.. who cant get thousands off.. I know lots of rec players.. who cant get hundreds off... read 2p2 forums on lock cashouts... bummer for them

    stick to safe cashout sites guys

  3. #53
    PokerOwned Veteran SyKoChiller's Avatar
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    OP; Are you referring to Carbon only, Merge Network, or ANY US PLAYER ACCEPTING SITES?
    Just wanted to make sure your talking about Carbon only.
    I personally have cashed out quite large sums through Bovada numerous times, never had any problems or delays & they are always right on time or even a day or so early sometimes. (Check by Courier - Get 1 FREE Check per month!)(I follow their "guidelines" for depositing the checks & they clear in 24 hours or less.) Even won a IPAD MINI from them awhile back & got it several days sooner than they said also.

    I've also received checks from Bet Online several times for $500 or so here & there, also with no problems at all.
    I even got an $8997 check from Grand Parker Casino last year. (They gave me a $100 free chip with a ridiculous 1500X roll over for signing up & I murdered them at the SLOTS!) Hit 3 jackpots for over 5K, 1 for 2K & change, and 1 for 3K & change!!!! Of course I lost a little over half that making the Roll Over Requirement but still they sent me that check for almost 9 GRAND! All off a $100 Free Chip ROFL, I honestly thought they would never send me the $$$ in a million years. Bout had a heart attack when it came LOL.

    But enough bragging & back to the US player Poker payouts; I've gotten all the above mentioned POKER SITE payouts tons & tons of times by way of Check by Courier & here is the MOST IMPORTANT PART: I live in Kentucky, one of, if not THE WORST & MOST STRICK OLP States in the Country & I've (Knock on Wood) never had any problems getting my $$$ or cashing/depositing the checks from those sites I talked about.
    Carbon maybe a different story. I've yet to try & verify my account there & they do not even accept players from my state unless you say you are on an Active Military Base LOL but you can check a box during registration saying the Military thing & then put a KY address in & get accepted WTF is up with that ?!? Got a feeling they will try & cheat me out of my winnings so I only play Free Rolls there & Generally DO NOT deposit on ANY site. There are just to many ways to grind out a BR w/o sending these sites $$$ ya know! Anyways; Good Luck with your cashout!
    Last edited by SyKoChiller; 09-29-2013 at 08:07 PM.

  4. #54
    PokerOwned Veteran SyKoChiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IWASLION View Post
    I really don't get all the posts about sites not paying out. All the sites on Merge, Revolution, and Winning networks all pay, sometimes it can take a long time to process your first withdrawl, but the players that commonly withdraw find that the speculation that their transactions stir up become less common as the staff needs to vette less info each time to process the request. This lack of patience is probably why poker seems more frustrating to the same players who complain about cash-out times.
    Excellent point! As I posted a minute ago I've made withdraws on many different sites countless times & always get paid on time, if not a day or two early. (Knock on Wood)-Never had a problem yet..... Going on 2&1/2 years now.

    LOCK is slow lately b/c they are struggling & having administration issues/turnaround but they are working to sort things out & I think they will survive in the long run. If for no other reason than b/c we US players don't have a lot of options for REAL $ OLP & some NAZI STATES make our choices far less then even the slim pickings most of the Country "enjoys".

    FOR OP: There are a couple of 3rd party websites that HONESTLY Rank/Rate all the OLP networks/sites over a variety of topics including Payout Speed, Options, and Related Fees plus others like Quality Ratings, Site Traffic, Players Skill Levels, Visual Appeal & much, much more. Just GOOGLE; US Online Poker Site Ratings or Rankings & you'll find them. I just don't know if it is ok for me to promote them by name here.

  5. #55
    PokerOwned Master
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    Got to love canada, no worries what so ever

  6. #56
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    iv heard that takes a while....but iv also herd its illage in the usa so i guess they really dont have too pay you..if thats the case.

  7. #57
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    I just recently started playing at Bovada I place 3rd in a tourney and won 250. Cashed out and it only took 8 days to receive the check. Was very happy about that.

  8. #58
    PokerOwned Master
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    ive never cashed out there but then again have never tried i just enjoy the game and as TheHaversham said bad beats go both ways

  9. #59
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Im waiting for a check now for 3 weeks.... I'll keep my fingers crossed but don't count on doodly squat

  10. #60
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    If your check is coming from Carbon then I am 100% sure you will get it. I have cashed out there and know many others who have also cashed out.

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