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  1. #11
    Elite PokerOwned Member marlais's Avatar
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    sounds like a level to me

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    triple range merging , i will use that in the next roll

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    yeah most likely he just wanted to sound fancy or just an excuse to play badly LOL
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marlais View Post
    sounds like a level to me

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
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    The triple range merge comes into play when you believe your opponent has 3 possibilities for hand strength. He can have Strong/Nut hands, nothing at all, or a medium strength hand. You would want to employ a triple range merge if you believe that an opponent has not demonstrated absolute strength and you hold a hand that is medium/strong. The given hand in the OP is a bad example of when to use this strategy. A better example would be when you hold KQ on a AsKd7d2c4h board. You may be facing someone with top pair, 2 pair, or a set. They could also hold a worse K or have a pocket pair QQ or less without making a set, or bottom pair. They then could also have air with a busted flush draw.

    In that scenario you would want to merge all of those ranges and disguise a bet that could either be for value or a bluff. I would say somewhere around a 1/2-2/3 pot bet would be good. You could be called by worse, you could get a fold from a weak A, or you could be called by Top pair. The key to this is balance and the action that came before the river. Betting the flop and checking the turn by your opponent would warrant this play. He has shown some strength, but not enough to double barrel. That means you could get him off an A. It's all about balance in this spot and mixing up your play. It's a step beyond a polarized range of strong and weak.

  6. #16
    Current B2B Champ!
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkowboys View Post
    The triple range merge comes into play when you believe your opponent has 3 possibilities for hand strength. He can have Strong/Nut hands, nothing at all, or a medium strength hand. You would want to employ a triple range merge if you believe that an opponent has not demonstrated absolute strength and you hold a hand that is medium/strong. The given hand in the OP is a bad example of when to use this strategy. A better example would be when you hold KQ on a AsKd7d2c4h board. You may be facing someone with top pair, 2 pair, or a set. They could also hold a worse K or have a pocket pair QQ or less without making a set, or bottom pair. They then could also have air with a busted flush draw.

    In that scenario you would want to merge all of those ranges and disguise a bet that could either be for value or a bluff. I would say somewhere around a 1/2-2/3 pot bet would be good. You could be called by worse, you could get a fold from a weak A, or you could be called by Top pair. The key to this is balance and the action that came before the river. Betting the flop and checking the turn by your opponent would warrant this play. He has shown some strength, but not enough to double barrel. That means you could get him off an A. It's all about balance in this spot and mixing up your play. It's a step beyond a polarized range of strong and weak.
    thx for trying to clarify, overall this just seems like a stupid fancy term for balancing your range/value betting/deception. whoever came up with this term is stupid. To my opponent in that scenario u keep triple range merging with trips on a 4 flush board and ill keep taking your $!

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    I will express all my knowledge about this subject. HUH !!!!

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro
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    from what I read about it real quick the other day it sounds like something most decent/good players do but didn't know there was a name for it. One thing that confuses me is that your supposed to merge the possible ranges of a strong/medium/weak hand. What is confusing about this to me is, what other possibility for hand strength are there??? To me it sounds like it is saying if you have a medium strength hand and you believe your opponent hit but doesn't have the absolute nuts then value bet because it's possible that a strong hand might fold thinking your stronger and are just trying to extract more chips or a weak hand might call thinking it's a bluff because it's not a strong bet. Obviously you have to pick and choose your spots and opponents that you do this against.

  9. #19
    Elite PokerOwned Member jcolee2's Avatar
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    what is this you are talking about wha t is that.. o i dont care

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcolee2 View Post
    what is this you are talking about wha t is that.. o i dont care
    I'm just curious, have you ever made a post that was relevant to the conversation going on???? or are all your post really just to get your 5 points???

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