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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    May 2011
    early 3 bet at begin levels to check players is good on good cards .. possible to 90 chip bet a pot to 600 n take it for 90-120 chip bet ..if u got hands value bet ..exp if there's a flush draw or straight draw use consistent bets do go nuts .. in a lot of cases if there's a draw n don't come a a final bet of value not to big n case they have a pair at min may get u the pot you get chipped up and in a decent position in mtt for me its around a in the money position no matter if its early in or late n play min hands to hold it .. use good judement

    when to call all in 's

    if your early in mtt and an opportunity shows itself that would take you straight to in the money like 2 all in and best in your hand is kq u might consider the call ..exp if in a rebuy/rentry .. this is a position play

    if u hit then the above idea now u have chips but always value bet a bluff .. u have a better chance to get it n same if u have hand value bet ..most bluffer will take u all in w a large bluff n this is why u value bet it both ways ..

    once in pos hold it don't make big calls or bets .. ride the blinds

    2 things to accomplis is get n position and ride the blinds .. get a few hands here n there donts chase big bets you should go far in it

    just last night i was n 100 gtd ko n early in had 9k held it a bit then got donked to 3k held it a very long timethen to 11k n again rode the blinds till i caught 20k .. it was still a good min before final table i made final table i was the lowest chipstack the next smallestwas twice mine i had like 12k or so vrs avrg stack 50k+ blinded to 8k ... i took 2nd place in it among players with 10 times my stack

    any way i hope this helps .. it is a great strategy .. lot of u know how many times i final table n even place my miss rate is maybe 10% of every mtt n thats on a 50+ mtts scale .. gl .. hope it helps n i dont sound too stupid .lololol

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteran greedybee's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    at the start of the tournament i play tight- only big hands, only call raise when i have the nuts or second nuts, later as blinds increase i play more aggressive if i have a big stack or if i am short stacked and the blinds are rather large it is a push, fold mentality. When close to the bubble if i have chips i will be very aggressive with marginal hands as smaller stacks tend to tighten up.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yea I think the way to go is tight aggressive!! Stealing blinds when the blinds get big is key!

  4. #24
    New Member
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    Mar 2011
    Personally i like to start out by playing a lot of hands and really trying to establish myself early. With the blinds so low in many tournaments it is easy to play lower valued hands without costing too much to your chip stack. Maybe you hit something big in a hand you might not necessarily have been in with bigger limits. Control that table!

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2013
    you want to be aggressive throughout. more aggressive post flop when blinds are low then raise your aggression preflop when the blinds are bigger and the antes kick in. also be super aggro close to the bubble

  6. #26
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jan 2013
    I don't like playing too many hands early. Not much value. Late-middle is when I try to turn it on. Each tourny is different though, if I am getting good hands and the table is weak I'll be tight whenever.

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jun 2013
    There really is no set time in a tournament where you should start to be aggresive. That obviously has alot to do with the table dynamic and how the other players at your table are playing. But id say generally once you start to get within like 30 people to the money you should be starting to take advantage of the fact that the money bubble is approaching and going to break and be trying to build up a stack and take advantage of the players out there who are playing the tournament and just trying to cash in it and not playing overall for the win.

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