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  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Angry for a time longer lose

    hello everyone, I would understand and maybe here with varying opinions help me a bit, because every time the players spend so much time to take a decision in simple tournaments already and the final table will be worse because?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I think there is a such thing as over thinking decisions and it could lead you to make the wrong one.

  3. #3
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    i was on a turny table yesterday and 6 7 8 9 is on the table after the river, first player bets, second player raises. obv one of them has, at a minimum, the 10, yet, the 3rd player runs down the clock and uses all their time bank before folding. makes no sense.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLongFace View Post
    i was on a turny table yesterday and 6 7 8 9 is on the table after the river, first player bets, second player raises. obv one of them has, at a minimum, the 10, yet, the 3rd player runs down the clock and uses all their time bank before folding. makes no sense.
    See this alot , they are just pissy cause they was chasing and lost LOL or had a big hand and knew they had lost LOL
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Aug 2014

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