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  1. #61
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I hear a lot of talk about how on line is rigged.I used to play only cash until about 8 months ago when I started playing poker online...mainly because I moved about 2 hours away from where I normally play.Yesterday me and my girl decided to go to the casino and play some slots,well she wanted to play some slots.So we only took a couple of hundred dollars and drove up to the casino.Normally on Sundays they have a hundred dollar freezeout holdem tourny but it now is played on Saturdays so I decided between 1/3 no limit or 3/6 limit,I played limit.I played for 10 hours its been a while but I was paying close attention to the hands just to see if people would get bad beats as much as we do online.The answer is yes.I walked out 400 ahead but I saw so many bad beats it made me laugh inside.Four card sraights and flushes.People calling with bottom pair and sucking out on river.I had pocket aces cracked 2x(the only 2x I got them)..etc.etc.Mind you I was playing limit.I dont normally do this but I new my girl would be playing for a while and I only sat down with a hundred.But playing limit there is like playing micro stakes no limit here so people chase in the lower games here as much as they do in 3/6 at the casino.I just think that playing low stakes people will chase and chase and this to me is here the bad beats come into effect more often then not.You have to adjust your play and cross your fingers.I played 3/6 and my online low stakes stratdegy really helped where I did more limping and more checking and no bluffing. ok idk just wanted to share that.

  2. #62
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jul 2012
    Everyone has noticed that towards the end of a tournament, a large stack seems to win against a small stack 80% of the time regardless of the hands. I came across a study while surfing that suggests this is no accident, but a software tweak that helps move tournaments along faster. I can't say if this is true but I tend to think it's a highly possible explanation for the big stack theory. Comments?

  3. #63
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
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    May 2012
    It does seem that way when your the small stack and take a bad beat by the gig stack...and it does happen a lot.But Ive been the big stack and also taken some pretty bad beats by the shorter stacks so it all depends on what side of the stack your on to how you percieve this.I dont think online is rigged.No matter...its the decesions you make.If you got AA and go all in and QQ goes all in and he hits a Q for a set..I think its the luck of the draw not rigged.I had pocket 88s yesterday and turned a set my opponent rivered a bigger set.I had pocket QQs my opponent flopped a full house 887 on the flop I turned a q for queens full to his 88s full.I had pocket AAS and he hit runner runners to a flush.The main thing is staying alive..not going broke.Its poker .If it can happen it will.Most people complaining about online poker being rigged just havent figured out a good stradtegy yet.These hands happened live not online.

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
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    The only part off cheating that to me might be people who use bots or people who have enough computer knowledge as to how to see other peoples cards sometimes I think this is very likely and is probably happening.That is very possible.But these sites make tons of money everyday on rake.Merge has plenty of traffic why would they cheat,if they got caught they could stand to lose everyone who plays here...just not logical to me.Ive been the house before Ive cut pots to make a profit I would never allow cheating it wouldnt make sense you would lose players.Just the opposite you would want your players to be happy and run a fair game to keep them coming back.If people think that poke is like tv and watching the pros your only seeing certain hands they arent showing what these players went through to make these final tables of course you need luck and need to be lucky at times.I could see a small site with few players using cheats or having there own people playing and scamming people because they dont stand to make it anyways but as far as the bigger sites such as PS,Merge,Bodog(Bovada) why would they want to run players off when there raking tons of money everyday..just think about it,makes not 1 minuscule amount of sense or cents.

  5. #65
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jul 2012
    I suppose they would want the tournaments to end quickly so people can go and play cash games? I mean doesn't really make sense to me since you can multitable like crazy.

  6. #66
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jul 2012
    I completely agree with you on practically every level. But have you played poker on Bodog or Bovada? I would have to disagree with you there. I've played when it was bodog and killed when they first started having poker (mostly betting site before). Then when they switched to bovada for us customers only, i could almost actually see the difference over night. They went to the anon system (which honestly i dont really care about, i was happy because i wasnt using datamining software), and I starting seeing so many more suckouts it was ridiculous. Since they serve to whale sports bettors, these whales want to come and play/try poker. Bovada makes great money off rake 10% (no rakeback), also great money off deposit 4.9%. But whales stop playing poker and only bet sports because sharks notice whales and eat them. So bovada tweeked the software so more suckouts were possible hence donkey/fish make their money once in a while and stick around. I actually did notice this before they switched to bovada but once they switched to anon it was crazy.

  7. #67
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Im playing on bovada right now Ive been winning on Bovada four four months and have received 3 checks and am waiting for one atm.Bovada is full of bad players and fish I have my real in that water.

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