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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    So I'm at the final table of a $1 bi $250 gtd on Merge and I decided to try this out. There are 2 light orange, 2 yellow, 3 light blues, and i would be the only one ranked a green. Is this normal???

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2013
    pretty in depth man.. nice.. I just play sngs... so I scope u guys.. if u are a winner at sngs.... u get a green dot.... if u do somthin super dumb.. u get a special note.. just for u

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    So I'm at the final table of a $1 bi $250 gtd on Merge and I decided to try this out. There are 2 light orange, 2 yellow, 3 light blues, and i would be the only one ranked a green. Is this normal???
    In a $1 game,'re not likely to have any reds appearing, and of course oranges just mean they don't really have enough of a sample to be sure. Light blues generally dominate these tourneys, which are won mostly by greens. As you move up, you'll see more greens and fewer oranges, but there will still be mostly blues.

    I just finished 2nd in an $11 Turbo Deep MTT...faced off h/u vs a red - he had won a Poker Maximus event...there was one other green at my table, and a couple yellows (and those guys had like 5k games each). There were 2 light blues and a dark blue at the FT as well. For the most part, they all played & finished about as I expected. For instance, the yellows were very willing to race, the blues generally misplayed hands in the wrong spots with their stacks, the red stayed quiet but when he did make a play it was aggressive, etc.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Master AZPLAYS11's Avatar
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    I use the notes a lot when I played on Full Tilt. It's a great way to track players that you have played against and note some things about the way they played against you.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Veteran helps's Avatar
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    I'm also using notes all the time and yep some special people get special colors, too LOL. So when we have happy reunion at the table, I know (well sort of) what to expect from them.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHaversham View Post
    In a $1 game,'re not likely to have any reds appearing, and of course oranges just mean they don't really have enough of a sample to be sure. Light blues generally dominate these tourneys, which are won mostly by greens. As you move up, you'll see more greens and fewer oranges, but there will still be mostly blues.

    I just finished 2nd in an $11 Turbo Deep MTT...faced off h/u vs a red - he had won a Poker Maximus event...there was one other green at my table, and a couple yellows (and those guys had like 5k games each). There were 2 light blues and a dark blue at the FT as well. For the most part, they all played & finished about as I expected. For instance, the yellows were very willing to race, the blues generally misplayed hands in the wrong spots with their stacks, the red stayed quiet but when he did make a play it was aggressive, etc.
    I knew it was going to be skewed since I play such low limits, but I expected to see more greens. Another question I have is which stats to use to determine their roi. It seems that it's listed in 3 places on opr, and they can be very far off of each other. On top of that, how do you treat someone that has been historically bad, but that for the last 120 days has a very good roi?

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Pro
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    thanks for the info but you cant use note on carbon. ill try your color method.

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daman74 View Post
    thanks for the info but you cant use note on carbon. ill try your color method.
    notes are working fine for me on carbon, they just took away the little symbols

  9. #29
    Elite PokerOwned Member JLynn171's Avatar
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    only notes i take is mark players box greeen if at final table with them

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    I knew it was going to be skewed since I play such low limits, but I expected to see more greens. Another question I have is which stats to use to determine their roi. It seems that it's listed in 3 places on opr, and they can be very far off of each other. On top of that, how do you treat someone that has been historically bad, but that for the last 120 days has a very good roi?
    Well...the ROI I generally use is the one in the middle of the page on OPR, in the players' Poker Statistics chart, where the first column is Prizes Won, then Net Profit, followed by ROI. When I'm first classifying someone, I'm using the row of stats at the bottom of that chart. Keep in mind that on OPR you can adjust that chart, so I always make sure I'm using the Full Tracking option and I'm seeing all games. I play a lot of mixed games and Omaha...note that when you pass your cursor over a row on that, the ITM Finishes and MTT Avg Finish charts change, so make sure you're getting all the stats.

    More importantly, though, is that after a while - that is to say that after you get used to looking players up quickly, scanning the vital stats that are relevant to what you want - you will get better and better at simply getting a "feel" for whether you are looking at a great player, a good player, or a superfish, all in an instant. This can be the difference between making those calls around the bubble with QT on the button, or folding AQ in the same spot.

    I put a little weight in the last 120 days, but don't get caught up trying to overthink it. Remember, if they have a large sampling - like the guys I played with 5k games, no 120-day stretch is going to change the way their skill is reflected in those stats. Less games means obviously the most-recent games might be closer to accurate, but the overall is the overall. Binking one good game, or having a few drunken sessions recently, can throw off the 120-day stats. The most important reason to be looking at that line, for me, is to see how that player IS FEELING about his game. Is he likely to be on tilt, or is he going to be thinking he's god's gift to poker? (How many "I just won the PO Freeroll" threads have you read where the player honestly reflects that they taught the entire field a thing or two, lol.)

    Quote Originally Posted by daman74 View Post
    thanks for the info but you cant use note on carbon. ill try your color method.
    Your Carbon must be different than my Carbon, or you're simply not trying very hard. Right-click>Player details...a box will open with their Accolades (turn yours off IMO - no easy info for my opponents and there is enough narcissism in poker already), and room to type. You can also change their color by clicking on the colored box right there. I can usually get my whole table marked in the first lap, if not sooner.
    Last edited by TheHaversham; 11-24-2013 at 06:48 PM.

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