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  1. #21
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tta91690 View Post
    tta91690 Posts SB 100.00
    mistafury Posts BB 200.00
    silentdelerium13 Folds
    tommy62278 Folds
    Busternutt Folds
    shesellseashells Folds
    madbass Folds
    marlais Folds
    SteortexrulesLLBS Calls 200.00
    kurm4y Folds
    tta91690 All In 3740.00
    mistafury Folds
    SteortexrulesLLBS Calls 3640.00
    SteortexrulesLLBS Shows 3d,3c
    tta91690 Shows Qh,Qd
    tta91690 Won 7880.00 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Aces and Queens

    No reads, other than the fact that he limped from CO. Thoughts?
    All I can say is the pocket threes must have had somewhere to go to make that call...

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Pro
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    For the 2nd hand: Forgot to mention this, but I had him covered and he had a little more than the size of the pot left in his stack.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    HAND 1: I mean u got top value out of it n u were only 20 BBs deep so the shove looks good, being right at 20 tho u may be able to put in a raise to like 3.5x-4x n see what happens, he probly folds to any kinda flop that doesnt hit him tho.

    HAND 2: I doubt hes folding to a bluff once he hits his turn, i think after he checks the flop i may fire at it tryna rep the A.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Pro
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    1st Hand: From playing these the last week, the typical unknown plays pretty much the same as your average casino donk. Based on that experience, the top of their range when then they limp from late position is middle pocket pairs (like 88, maybe 99). Therefore, I was very confident that he was calling, and would never do this without that read. And I totally agree with you Joe, he is likely set mining, and folding to overs, but these bad players love to put you on AK because that's what they see on TV all the time. If he sucks out oh well, but I want to get the maximum amount in while I'm still ahead. Ax or Kx suited is also in his range, and I don't want to leave an opportunity to get bluffed off the best hand should an A or K hit the flop.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Pro
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    2nd Hand: I know he overvalues suited cards from my notes; therefore, his limping range has way more hands that hit flush and straight draws on this board than hands that make top pair. I checked the flop because he is going to call with any draw and will also float me with random stuff some of the time (KQ, KJ with one spade) and I would prefer to keep this pot small given my position. I bet the turn because I improved my hand and it works as a delayed cbet since hes still going to fold the same hands that he would have folded on the flop. The K on the river is really what worried me because so many of his hands hit either some sort of pair, and I did not think he was capable of laying down any pair on the river that he did not already fold on the turn. Against a thinking player, I like shoving the river a lot more and also would consider check-raising the flop; however, against these random fish, I feel it's best to just play solid, medium-pot poker. I have always felt the biggest leak against these weak opponents is fancy play syndrome. It is something I still struggle with (which is why I found this hand so interesting) and one of the things I am looking to work on by playing these freerolls.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I know a lot of people might look at this thread and think, "holy crap, there is no way im reading these long ass posts," but you obviously are looking to work on your game (otherwise you would not be here) so please just give it a chance. I promise it won't be a waste of your time, and going through just one hand will be more useful than the random BS that traditionally fills this forum section.

    Once again feel free to ask any questions, post your own hand histories, and/or provide input. If your intent is to improve your game, there is no such thing as a stupid question, and you will never be ridiculed here for wanting to know more. That being said, if you attempt to derail the discussion or berate someone in here, I will come at you; this is meant to be a serious thread, if you want to be funny/cute or a douche bag, go somewhere else, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

  7. #27
    PokerOwned God
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    i truthfully find it boring to read a hand history a picture says a thousand words

  8. #28
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    course would be a good idea only strategy game

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by royalpat View Post
    i truthfully find it boring to read a hand history a picture says a thousand words
    How could a picture ever convey all the information contained in a hand history? If you find reading hand histories boring, then this thread is not for you, please do not post if you're not adding to the discussion.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoconcho1 View Post
    course would be a good idea only strategy game
    Thanks for the support. It would be even better if you could post an interesting hand (cash or tourney) or offer comments on those already available in here. Even a hypothetical would be fine, I just don't want people posting 1 liners to get their 5 points.

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