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  1. #11
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHaversham View Post
    This feels like a level, but....

    4x? What is the purpose there, just out of curiosity? Is that a normal bet size for you, or larger than normal? If I usually see you betting 2.5x or 3x and then suddenly see this 4x bet, I'm NOT automatically putting you on an Ace or a big pair, as you assume this player must. Your hand already feels vulnerable with that bet. And besides, when you DO get called, can you not assume, since you made such a large raise p/f, that the VILLAIN must have an Ace or a big PP?

    You are spot-on about the non-folding morons populating the games, but remember that those are the solid players' bread and butter. We WANT those non-folding morons to follow us all the way to ValueTown. In this case, it sounds like it was YOU who needed to find the fold button.

    Continuing...let's say you had AK or KK here, all else the same. Would you really bet that flop? If you have trip A's, most people hand out a little rope. Higher stakes, or vs multi-level thinkers, not so much; but you're not going to want to scare off action when you flop that strong. With KK, the bet is again pointless, as A) you're getting called if you're way behind, and B) as mentioned, it telegraphs that you didn't flop trips.

    So you're pre-flop AND post-flop bets tell a story, which is that you'd really rather that guy folded. If he can read that story, he know's that you're vulnerable, and just might think K-hi is a good bluff-catcher. If stacks are going in on an AA3Q board, I don't want to have JJ.
    Id have to disagree, players like that "used" to be the bread and butter of p[oker but these sites have figured out how to keep players like this around(they have to keep them around). Why would the person ahead need to find a fold button? seriously? KQ makes an absurd call here with nothing but hope and prayer that you have a smaller pair and he has to get awful lucky to win. the story it tells is he is WAY ahead no matter what he holds cause opponent has NADA,nothing worth going on in this hand for..

    This kind of player is nothing more then a slot lever pulling junkie to make this call but sadly online these days they are favored and the one who made the right play gets chastised yet again WOW

    "i don't get why people complain about players calling with nothing. you lost a hand that by the sound of it, you both played pretty badly. if everyone played perfect poker there would be no money to be won. what range did you put him on when he called the cbet?"

    Does it matter what range he put him on? He had him KILLED and knew it. People complain cause the rng goes against all odds most of the time. I agree with the politician statement, if i was one id vote no on any bill cause of all the pure BS luck players play with nowadays. There was absolutley no skill calling without a draw, PERIOD. but this is the norm these days online and so is the donkey responses of why you complain or play it as you did..
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Master AZPLAYS11's Avatar
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    Your going to see all types of plays that are going to drive you crazy. If it bothers you then you shouldn't be playing. I think at some point we all make calls like that. That's part of the game. If we all played the same then it wouldn't be called gambling.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by abwil2 View Post
    Id have to disagree, players like that "used" to be the bread and butter of p[oker but these sites have figured out how to keep players like this around(they have to keep them around). Why would the person ahead need to find a fold button? seriously? KQ makes an absurd call here with nothing but hope and prayer that you have a smaller pair and he has to get awful lucky to win. the story it tells is he is WAY ahead no matter what he holds cause opponent has NADA,nothing worth going on in this hand for..

    This kind of player is nothing more then a slot lever pulling junkie to make this call but sadly online these days they are favored and the one who made the right play gets chastised yet again WOW're saying you think online poker is rigged? That somehow the software favors losing players? Wouldn't that level everyone's results out, when in fact the stats clearly show a minority of regular winners and vast sea of losers? People often say, "these people get lucky," or, "the site favors the dog," but in reality, like bad beats, but if you're the type of fish who's playing every hand then obviously you're going to hit more flops than a reg playing tight.

    And I see you've played enough poker to realize that at NO time was the JJ "killing" him. Calling with a hope and a prayer? Is KQ really any different than AK in this spot, pre-flop? Are you saying that he should only ever call with hands that beat the raiser, lol? And as I said, after the flop the JJ is WAY ahead or WAY behind, so when he bets and gets called, a Q on the turn is not an indicator that he should go ahead and ship his chips.

    I'm certainly not defending the KQ. I don't have a problem with his pre-flop call, the float on that flop was bad but not disastrous. And once the turn comes, it's likely he's ahead of someone who's bet the line that our HERO did. Remember, only 4x went in pre-flop, then a c-bet (can't see OP now so can't remember the flop c-bet amt), but with 8x in, and assuming everyone in the hand has chips to play, when the turn Q shows up, our JJ has turned into a bluff-catcher, not the monster that has anyone "KILLED." If, at that point, we are put to a decision for all of our chips, and we can't fold, then we've justified the donkey's play.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZPLAYS11 View Post
    Your going to see all types of plays that are going to drive you crazy. If it bothers you then you shouldn't be playing. I think at some point we all make calls like that. That's part of the game. If we all played the same then it wouldn't be called gambling.
    it didnt drive me crazy!! just amazed at how some players cant fold!! but its all good, it is free poker! cant expect too much!! i was just shocked that they called with air on that flop!

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    that is player ho you in next 1000 games wont to have so get glad

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    Iposted by: abwil2 d have to disagree, players like that "used" to be the bread and butter of p[oker but these sites have figured out how to keep players like this around(they have to keep them around). Why would the person ahead need to find a fold button? seriously? KQ makes an absurd call here with nothing but hope and prayer that you have a smaller pair and he has to get awful lucky to win. the story it tells is he is WAY ahead no matter what he holds cause opponent has NADA,nothing worth going on in this hand for..

    this was my thought exactly!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran greedybee's Avatar
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    i have taken much worse beats than this on a daily basis, their is really no explanation, it just happens especially online and over and over again.

  8. #18
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    I think some of the folks get carried away with the Donk name calling. This is poker and if they were skilled at it they should know that it's not always being a donk.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    yea get over it, id still love to be in a game with that player. just stop bluffing bad players

  10. #20
    New Member
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    i would have read that.. good luck... .

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