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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Sit N Go vs Tournaments

    I have played in many sit in go's and have done well. I have played in tournaments and have done okay. It appears to me that you can probably make the same amount of winnings in a sit n go as you can in a low end tournament.
    What do you think?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I prefer SnGs because they take less time to make around the same amount of money. It sucks playing for hours only to make double your buyin when you can get that in less than an hour in SnGs. Its also because my end game sucks in MTTs which is why I can't get the big cashes.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    i like sngs, mtts have way too much variance

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master AZPLAYS11's Avatar
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    SnG's are a good way to make some fast money. When I am trying to build my bankroll I like to play the SnGs because they usually go fast.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    I mostly play sngs, but only because I don't usually have the time to invest in a mtt. I'd rather play the mtt, usually.

  6. #6
    Experienced Member specopkirbs's Avatar
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    SNGs are by far the easiest to grind and build a bankroll with but it depends what you are comfortable with and how well you deal with varience. As a solid tournement grinder you are under no illusion that you can not win every tournement or even cash in every tournement due to the varience factor. The varience is ironed out slightly if you are multitableing and putting a large amount of volume in the MTTs and if you are a solid player you can expect a much better ROI% than you will see with SNGs due to the occasional large "bink.

    SNGs are much less swingy and I would recommend to anyone starting with a small to medium size bankroll. If you are a solid SNG grinder that can put in some serious volume then you can expect an ROI closer to around 4-10% over a large sample, much less than maybe an MTT player, however due to the sheer amount of volume that you can put in playing STT or HU SNGs you can expect your hourly earnings to be much higher.

    The middle ground is the 18 - 180 man SNGs which seem very popular these days. though again you need to be prepared for the larger swings.

    My personal preference is hyper or super turbo heads up SNGS. You can put in some sick volume on the bigger poker rooms, stars in particular where you can get a game at the $200-500 levels with in about 10 - 30 seconds if not less, where as at a smaller room on ipoker or merge you could be waiting for upto 30 minutes for a game at those stakes.

    The swings in the hypers can be pretty sick but if you can deal with the varience and hold back from tilting, have a good understanding of ICM and Nash theory and are comfortable putting an opponent on a hand range then your hourly can go throught the roof, not forgetting rakeback. You do need balls of steel to grind the hypers but in my opinion they are fairly easy to crush up to the $30 or $60 buyins providing you can deal with the swings and can stick to good BRM.

    Sorry for the long rambling post but SNGs really are a passion for me and fund the majority of my MTT buyins as well as funding my day to day expenses and if you are looking to build from a small bankroll then they are certainly the way forward though that is obviously just my 2 cents, each to their own as they say.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I like em both, and have found like the others that SnG are often better if time is the key. But it's important to remember that at some levels, the 8 or so others at the table of a SnG are much likelier to have some grasp of ICM or to at least be solid, whereas in MTT's you can sometimes go for hours before encountering another solid player.

    I've known players who've built fortunes on SnG's but get clobbered in MTT's, and I've known players for whom the opposite is true. The ability to adapt is important.

  8. #8
    RNG is offline
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    In order to make the same amount of money in sngs, you need to have a lot of volume. And it also depends on what you are comfortable with. If you like sngs, just play them and take shots at tournaments maybe once a week. Since there's less variance in sngs, you need to play a lot in order to make as much as a good tournament player.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Pro
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    is an aggressive system

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    sngs r super easy and u can get in a lot per hour.. thus increasing ur hourly rate (which is really what we all want) .. ya the big mtt cash is killer.... but I know guys that grind mtts for a living.. and they can go months without a really big score..
    I prefer sngs cause I know positively that if I play x amount of games.. I will make x amount of money... no worries, no stress
    good luck on ur poker journey.... never under estimate ur suckout equity

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