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  1. #21
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkie View Post
    Suckout?????? Opp slow played quads to get the most value. Worked in his favor, unfortunate for you, you hit the Kings full on river.
    But the Opp line makes no sense. Someone who is smart enough to not prematurely ejaculate and bet the flop, then small bet turn looking for value, would never shove all in on river as if hes so worried about getting value he would know that considering he has the other 2 Jacks hes only getting called by someone holding KK.

    The whole hand as rckt describes doesnt make sense. So either the person he was playin soul read rckt had KK, the person he was playin was pretty bad or rckt is telling us the wrong actions that went on.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteren Sparkie's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    But the Opp line makes no sense. Someone who is smart enough to not prematurely ejaculate and bet the flop, then small bet turn looking for value, would never shove all in on river as if hes so worried about getting value he would know that considering he has the other 2 Jacks hes only getting called by someone holding KK.

    The whole hand as rckt describes doesnt make sense. So either the person he was playin soul read rckt had KK, the person he was playin was pretty bad or rckt is telling us the wrong actions that went on.
    Makes sense about your evaluation of play........Obv screen shot of hand would tell the story

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