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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    u talk about freerolls and micro sng ^mtt amd put some players from specific country in that case is tooo stupid.

  2. #22
    Elite PokerOwned Member vali1212's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    nice thread.the serbian and romanians are the worst players alive.hmmm come on betonline.or let's say 200$ freeroll on carbon.only romanians and serbian play bingo.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Veteren flytomaca's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by steveg78 View Post
    I hate to label a country, there are plenty of aggressive/donks from the USA as well.
    You just can't put all people from a country in the same shit with the others. There are not all the same, there are players that do stupid things from other country as well. and personally i hate russians, but again, there are not all the same. You just can't say that i'm a donk just because i'm romanian.

    PS: all romanian hate the way some russians play, and how they raise or all in with stupid cards, and they make a call just because they want to take russians out of the table (which is also stupid)....
    Carpe diem!

  4. #24
    Seasoned Veteren Nesigilink's Avatar
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    You just can't say that one country plays bad poker. You can find bad and good poker players in all countreis.

  5. #25
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2011
    It depends quite on the type of tilts that you play ... they are not the same stg, mtt or free

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    the best players are the russian man

  7. #27
    Elite PokerOwned Member MrPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Romanians by a mules nose but a close race it would be and wouldn't take long.
    "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience." anonymous quote

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Veteren flytomaca's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Did you know that Daniel Negreanu is also romanian? Even thou it represents Canada, he's from Romania, and he is great. And a lot others.
    Carpe diem!

  9. #29
    Experienced Member
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    May 2012
    I think in all countries are stupid players and good players.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Apr 2011
    bad player is bad player end nothing more

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