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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Running stake for Invertedafro

    Stake will be $10 to run sit n go's at the 1.65 3$ or the 5$ range, the terms will be 60/40
    If I quadruple the roll I will quit and see what he wants to do from there!!

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 1:16:29
    Game ID: 174747818 150/300 $3 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: nathan01 (8500).
    Seat 5: JasonTodd28 (5000).
    Player nathan01 ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (150)
    Player nathan01 has big blind (300)
    Player nathan01 received a card.
    Player nathan01 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [2h]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [2c]
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (750)
    Player nathan01 raises (2400)
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (3900)
    Player nathan01 calls (2100)
    *** FLOP ***: [5d 6s 3d]
    Player nathan01 bets (300)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (175)
    Uncalled bet (125) returned to nathan01
    *** TURN ***: [5d 6s 3d] [Qs]
    *** RIVER ***: [5d 6s 3d Qs] [7s]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 10000. Rake 0
    Board: [5d 6s 3d Qs 7s]
    *Player nathan01 shows: One pair of Ks [Ks Kc]. Bets: 5000. Collects: 10000. Wins: 5000.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 2s [2h 2c]. Bets: 5000. Collects: 0. Loses: 5000.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 1:17:5

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 2:48:32
    Game ID: 174765539 100/200 $3 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 2: Roachhh (7109).
    Seat 3: godlessone (5502).
    Seat 6: JasonTodd28 (889).
    Player Roachhh ante (25)
    Player godlessone ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player Roachhh has small blind (100)
    Player godlessone has big blind (200)
    Player Roachhh received a card.
    Player Roachhh received a card.
    Player godlessone received a card.
    Player godlessone received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Kh]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [9d]
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (864)
    Player Roachhh folds
    Player godlessone calls (664)
    *** FLOP ***: [4d Ad Ac]
    *** TURN ***: [4d Ad Ac] [As]
    *** RIVER ***: [4d Ad Ac As] [Jd]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1903. Rake 0
    Board: [4d Ad Ac As Jd]
    Player Roachhh does not show cards.Bets: 125. Collects: 0. Loses: 125.
    *Player godlessone shows: Full House (A/J) [Jc Ks]. Bets: 889. Collects: 1903. Wins: 1014.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: Three Of Kind of As [Kh 9d]. Bets: 889. Collects: 0. Loses: 889.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 2:49:1

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 1:36:24
    Game ID: 174752110 100/200 $5 Hyper Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: pokerkidd30 (850).
    Seat 4: BrainDead21 (945).
    Seat 5: JasonTodd28 (1060).
    Seat 6: Iplayforfood (345).
    Seat 7: pure vomit (987).
    Seat 8: ydobon (313).
    Player Iplayforfood has small blind (100)
    Player pure vomit has big blind (200)
    Player Iplayforfood received a card.
    Player Iplayforfood received a card.
    Player pure vomit received a card.
    Player pure vomit received a card.
    Player ydobon received a card.
    Player ydobon received a card.
    Player pokerkidd30 received a card.
    Player pokerkidd30 received a card.
    Player BrainDead21 received a card.
    Player BrainDead21 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [8c]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [8d]
    Player ydobon folds
    Player pokerkidd30 folds
    Player BrainDead21 allin (945)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1060)
    Player Iplayforfood folds
    Player pure vomit folds
    Uncalled bet (115) returned to JasonTodd28
    *** FLOP ***: [9h Ad 2c]
    *** TURN ***: [9h Ad 2c] [Kd]
    *** RIVER ***: [9h Ad 2c Kd] [Jd]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2190. Rake 0
    Board: [9h Ad 2c Kd Jd]
    Player pokerkidd30 does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player BrainDead21 shows: One pair of As [6d Ah]. Bets: 945. Collects: 2190. Wins: 1245.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 8s [8c 8d]. Bets: 945. Collects: 0. Loses: 945.
    Player Iplayforfood does not show cards.Bets: 100. Collects: 0. Loses: 100.
    Player pure vomit does not show cards.Bets: 200. Collects: 0. Loses: 200.
    Player ydobon does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 1:36:54

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 2:46:58
    Game ID: 174765318 150/300 $1.50 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Seat 2: hmark (4864).
    Seat 3: sniknej (2745).
    Seat 5: RakeHero (1908).
    Seat 7: JasonTodd28 (3983).
    Player sniknej ante (25)
    Player RakeHero ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player hmark ante (25)
    Player sniknej has small blind (150)
    Player RakeHero has big blind (300)
    Player sniknej received a card.
    Player sniknej received a card.
    Player RakeHero received a card.
    Player RakeHero received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [10h]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Jh]
    Player hmark received a card.
    Player hmark received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (900)
    Player hmark raises (2100)
    Player sniknej folds
    Player RakeHero folds
    Player JasonTodd28 calls (1200)
    *** FLOP ***: [6h 4s 10c]
    Player JasonTodd28 checks
    Player hmark allin (2739)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1858)
    Uncalled bet (881) returned to hmark
    *** TURN ***: [6h 4s 10c] [3h]
    *** RIVER ***: [6h 4s 10c 3h] [Qc]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 8466. Rake 0
    Board: [6h 4s 10c 3h Qc]
    *Player hmark shows: One pair of As [As Ad]. Bets: 3983. Collects: 8466. Wins: 4483.
    Player sniknej does not show cards.Bets: 175. Collects: 0. Loses: 175.
    Player RakeHero does not show cards.Bets: 325. Collects: 0. Loses: 325.
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 10s [10h Jh]. Bets: 3983. Collects: 0. Loses: 3983.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 2:47:49

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 1:55:25
    Game ID: 174756140 75/150 $1.50 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 1: JasonTodd28 (620).
    Seat 2: DOJ Can Suck IT (4855).
    Seat 4: WilldaBeast (2005).
    Seat 6: madscientist (3395).
    Seat 7: imthirsty549 (2625).
    Player imthirsty549 has small blind (75)
    Player JasonTodd28 has big blind (150)
    Player imthirsty549 received a card.
    Player imthirsty549 received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [10c]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [10h]
    Player DOJ Can Suck IT received a card.
    Player DOJ Can Suck IT received a card.
    Player WilldaBeast received a card.
    Player WilldaBeast received a card.
    Player madscientist received a card.
    Player madscientist received a card.
    Player DOJ Can Suck IT folds
    Player WilldaBeast folds
    Player madscientist raises (900)
    Player imthirsty549 folds
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (470)
    Uncalled bet (280) returned to madscientist
    *** FLOP ***: [Ah 7d Qd]
    *** TURN ***: [Ah 7d Qd] [Kh]
    *** RIVER ***: [Ah 7d Qd Kh] [Ad]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 1315. Rake 0
    Board: [Ah 7d Qd Kh Ad]
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: Two pairs. As and 10s [10c 10h]. Bets: 620. Collects: 0. Loses: 620.
    Player DOJ Can Suck IT does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player WilldaBeast does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player madscientist shows: Full House (Q/A) [Qs Qh]. Bets: 620. Collects: 1315. Wins: 695.
    Player imthirsty549 does not show cards.Bets: 75. Collects: 0. Loses: 75.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 1:55:47

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 1:22:50
    Game ID: 174749221 100/200 $1.50 Turbo 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 3 is the button
    Seat 2: JasonTodd28 (1230).
    Seat 3: HMSLeander (1800).
    Seat 5: TheGimmick (905).
    Seat 6: EazyGoin (2875).
    Seat 8: Gocargo83 (2590).
    Seat 9: pok3rjoker (4100).
    Player TheGimmick ante (25)
    Player EazyGoin ante (25)
    Player Gocargo83 ante (25)
    Player pok3rjoker ante (25)
    Player JasonTodd28 ante (25)
    Player HMSLeander ante (25)
    Player TheGimmick has small blind (100)
    Player EazyGoin has big blind (200)
    Player TheGimmick received a card.
    Player TheGimmick received a card.
    Player EazyGoin received a card.
    Player EazyGoin received a card.
    Player Gocargo83 received a card.
    Player Gocargo83 received a card.
    Player pok3rjoker received a card.
    Player pok3rjoker received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [9s]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [Ad]
    Player HMSLeander received a card.
    Player HMSLeander received a card.
    Player Gocargo83 folds
    Player pok3rjoker calls (200)
    Player JasonTodd28 allin (1205)
    Player HMSLeander folds
    Player TheGimmick allin (780)
    Player EazyGoin folds
    Player pok3rjoker calls (1005)
    *** FLOP ***: [Kh 6d 10s]
    *** TURN ***: [Kh 6d 10s] [10c]
    *** RIVER ***: [Kh 6d 10s 10c] [2s]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 3640. Rake 0
    Board: [Kh 6d 10s 10c 2s]
    Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 10s [9s Ad]. Bets: 1230. Collects: 0. Loses: 1230.
    Player HMSLeander does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    Player TheGimmick shows: One pair of 10s [Ac 9d]. Bets: 905. Collects: 0. Loses: 905.
    Player EazyGoin does not show cards.Bets: 225. Collects: 0. Loses: 225.
    Player Gocargo83 does not show cards.Bets: 25. Collects: 0. Loses: 25.
    *Player pok3rjoker shows: Two pairs. 10s and 7s [7d 7c]. Bets: 1230. Collects: 3640. Wins: 2410.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 1:23:32

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Game started at: 2013/6/27 4:11:12
    Game ID: 174774252 100/200 $1.50 Regular 9-Max, Table 1 (Hold'em)
    Seat 4 is the button
    Seat 4: JasonTodd28 (12213).
    Seat 8: RickyTheGini (1287).
    Player JasonTodd28 has small blind (100)
    Player RickyTheGini has big blind (200)
    Player RickyTheGini received a card.
    Player RickyTheGini received a card.
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [6d]
    Player JasonTodd28 received card: [9s]
    Player JasonTodd28 raises (300)
    Player RickyTheGini allin (1087)
    Player JasonTodd28 calls (887)
    *** FLOP ***: [6h 7c 5c]
    *** TURN ***: [6h 7c 5c] [Qd]
    *** RIVER ***: [6h 7c 5c Qd] [3h]
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2574. Rake 0
    Board: [6h 7c 5c Qd 3h]
    *Player JasonTodd28 shows: One pair of 6s [6d 9s]. Bets: 1287. Collects: 2574. Wins: 1287.
    Player RickyTheGini shows: One pair of 5s [As 5d]. Bets: 1287. Collects: 0. Loses: 1287.
    Game ended at: 2013/6/27 4:11:29

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Balance at moment is 11.79, should be one more $3 game, cant find the post, soon as I do will post but 11.79 is current bankroll, will run more soon

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    cool, that's what i was lookin for, played alot more than I saw...started out hot, gl go wit it

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