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Thread: Roi

  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonv12 View Post
    Total roi just measures how much money you've put down in total, compared to how much it has become over all games, without factoring in stakes. If you turn $20 into $200, your total roi is 900%. If it took you 900 games to do that tho, your roi would only be on average (this is an average -- it depends on the variation of stakes you play) only 1% as you are make $180/900 or about ~20 cents a game. So really, total roi is basically total profit represented as a percentage and isn't as representational as other methods of tracking winnings/losses.
    this is what avg roi should be in my opinion, but if you are looking at sharkscope, thats not how they figure avg roi. Avg roi is figured this way: they take your roi for each tournament , add it up and divide by total games, with no regard to buyin. So average roi is the average of each individual total roi. In my opinion it should be the average % you win per game, the way you put there. But the way sharkscope does it, if you won that 200 on 1 game for 20 buyin for the roi of 900 then played 9 games and lost all (-100 roi for each game), at a .11 buyin, your avg roi would be 0, though your profit would still be all but the same 180, but the 9X(-100 ) would cancel out the 1 +900. What it does is keep 1 big score from making your roi inflated. For example, i will post my aced sharkscope line, my avg roi is neg but my total roi is positive, because i had a big cash but have played and lost enough smaller games to cancel that out, though my total profit is still over 3K:

    total games ... avg roi .... profit X X...... total roi
    935.......... -4.6% ...... $3,030 67 34.8%... 62.6%
    Last edited by madjek; 07-02-2013 at 03:07 AM.

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