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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master Kevin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Fold, that was just a nasty flop for the preflop situation.

    I was playing live hit aa in the bb.. utg +2 raised to 12$ (1/2nl) had 3 callers i reraise to $24 on option. had 1 call 1 fold and 1 reraise to $48 and then i reraised to $100 hoping to drop extra player out. He folded and when it turned around to the button he shoves $400 in chips.. i had about 320 total before the pot and was commited with aces heads up about $150 so i call the rest of my stack..

    it was AA Vs KK flop came 77k and the turn river were unimportant.. i was heated from there only able to catch a ace.. the third guy in the pot that folded said he had ak..

    aa vs kk is a 80/20 percentage.. let alone with ak being in a folded hand had to drop him to <10% easy id say 6-7 if not lower...

    happened last friday.. made me sick i was running really good too..

    AA in cash games fcuk me all the time.. the trick is seeing the flop and hoping they hit top pair.. but my luck he woulda shoved flop anyways with his boat and ofc imma call with aces on a 77k after the betting that went down preflop.

    ^^ Diablo 2 thing.. I spent many years of my life pissing off people on hardcore.^^

  2. #12
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    jogo arriscado pode acontecer d tudo

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    He could easily have AK there too. Which you are dominating. Dont think id fold here. Worst case ur Against A Q where u have outs to split. Your not dead to any hand and good chance he decided to push any flop as post was pretty big. Id would think he might have KQ for top pair and open ended. He hardly flatted your re raise wit KK once u showed interest. Meh i dunno but its a call for me. Just coz he shipped it doesnt mean he has nuts

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    He raised pre-flop and called your re-raise. With a board of K J T i can only put him on either AK/AQ or JJ/TT. If he had AA/KK/QQ he'd probably re-raise you all the way pre-flop

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran fiveohtwo502's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    I would have to fold as soon as that flush draw comes up. Not always but looked like bad news there.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    terrible flop 2 see with a-a. with that size of a bet, better 2 just throw them away and wait 4 a better hand.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I would have had to fold too, but that would have been hard to do with that much in the pot. :S I don't think he had the straight. You raised, then he reraised and he called your I'm thinking he had decent pockets, but was scared by your reraise and he should have known you had pockets. Therefore, he could have hit a set on the flop. He may have also been dumb and called your reraise with AK and then thought you had queens, so he all inned to keep you from chasing. I doubt he thinks you are on a flush draw, so if he is trying to push you out he probably thinks you're on the straight draw and hes got a set. If you've been playing tight he may also just know he can scare you away too. :P

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