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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    Recap on Harrington's "M" Factor, Key to MTT play! (And Multi-Table SnG's)

    So let's do some recap on Harrington's "M"

    -First Introduced in The HoH (Harrington on Hold'em) Series, of which I've personally read the First 2 books.

    -Basically, Your "M" Is your stack size Divided by the Amount of Chips at the start of the Hand.

    -What it does is tell you how many orbits you have before you are blinded out of the game

    So, For Example- 9-handed play-The Blinds are t200/t400 with ante 50, your stack size is t10000.

    What's your M? The answer is (t600+t450=t1350), So t10,000/1350=about 7 (Always estimate if you can)

    Before I continue, It's important that you CALCULATE YOUR "EFFECTIVE "M", Take your M, and multiply it by 2/3 if there are 6 out of 9 players left, 1/3 if there are 3 players left. You get the point, Since "M" means how many orbits of the blind you can withstand before you're blinded out, it's important you lower your M (Estimate!) according to how many players are left. Why? Simple. There are less players before you'll hit the blinds. Thus, Less orbits.

    So- Harrington Had different "Standard" Ways of playing depending on your M

    M of 20+ This is often found at the beginning of the tournament, you're free to do what you want. Lots of room to maneuver if you so feel. You might choose to wait for a big hand if your table is fairly loose or you're out of position, or you might limp in to see cheap flops with speculative hands such as Suited connecters or low pocket pairs to set mine.

    M BETWEEN 15-20 (SORRY, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YELLOW, BUT YOU COULDN'T READ IT. If you've passed on play during the beginning stage, you might find yourself at this M level around the 50-100 or100-200 Blind levels. Blind stealing is favorable at this M. Because you have enough chips to fold to a 3-bet or re-steal, you're free to open up a wide range on the button or Cutoff. However, you want to avoid open-pushing. Open limping and passive play is not advised with this M or below.

    M of 10-15 A difficult M for even the best of us. You have more than enough chips than to play Push/Fold, but often times you would have to call a 3-bet due to pot commitment, which is often all-in. MY personal (gottimhimmel) recommendation is to play the same range you would at the Red M, but open raise 2-2.5x the BB. That way you have the ability to steal the blinds, but still have a good enough hand to go to showdown. Again, with this M, play a tight range IMO.

    M of 5-10 This is Simple, Push/Fold play. Either go all-in pre-flop or fold. 'Nuff Said. It's up to you, depending on your hand and position.

    M of 0-5 You got two cards bud? Shove them in.

    P.S Forum- There's an alternative to M, especially useful for SnGs, Called "X-factor", I might make a thread about X-Factor specifically later

    Another P.S- After Reading some of the Responses, I would like to add (credit to SendCookies) that between 5-15 M there is an alternative to the open shove known as the stop and go. This basically entails calling out-of-position pre-flop then regardless (Most of the time) of the flop, shove 'er in.
    Last edited by GottImHimmel; 05-31-2012 at 02:13 AM. Reason: More info needs to be added
    "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napoléon Bonaparte

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran psy0nyd3's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing and taking the time to give us your take. I enjoy these threads especially the tilt one was good. Really makes me think that I should probably devote some more time to learning how to actually play this game huh?

    What're the main differences between Xfactor and playing by Harrington's M's?
    I'd rather get kicked IN THE NUTS by a donkey, than EATEN BY A SHARK!!
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  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    For one thing "x-factor" has different levels, The highest being 30+ orbits, the second highest being 20-30, then 15-20, then 8-14 and lowest being 0-7. It's off of the same calculation though.
    "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napoléon Bonaparte

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    Good info, especially for those that haven't been introduced to "M".

    One thing I'd add for me personally is that depending on the game, I would consider open pushing with an M of 10-15, simply because you still have enough of a chip stack to have some fold equity. I don't open my range too wide during this time, but I would be looking for a good spot to get it in and at worst pick up some blinds.

    20:52 <onehotdame> sug ...your the most helpful of Mods
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  5. #5
    PokerOwned God
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    M gives you a false sense of security in fast tourneys ...

    Harrington plays very slow structured tourneys... In fast tourneys that false sense of security is gonna get you in trouble.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran psy0nyd3's Avatar
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    Ah I see, thanks Himmel.
    I'd rather get kicked IN THE NUTS by a donkey, than EATEN BY A SHARK!!
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  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    I mean that's a legitimate post bmeelneg, however, it's important to be aware at all times. Personally, I prefer "X-Factor" But M is the classic tourney measure
    "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napoléon Bonaparte

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GottImHimmel View Post
    So let's do some recap on Harrington's "M"

    -First Introduced in The HoH (Harrington on Hold'em) Series, of which I've personally read the First 2 books.

    -Basically, Your "M" Is your stack size Divided by the Amount of Chips at the start of the Hand.

    -What it does is tell you how many orbits you have before you are blinded out of the game

    So, For Example- 9-handed play-The Blinds are t200/t400 with ante 50, your stack size is t10000.

    What's your M? The answer is (t600+t450=t1350), So t10,000/1350=about 7 (Always estimate if you can)

    Before I continue, It's important that you CALCULATE YOUR "EFFECTIVE "M", Take your M, and multiply it by 2/3 if there are 6 out of 9 players left, 1/3 if there are 3 players left. You get the point, Since "M" means how many orbits of the blind you can withstand before you're blinded out, it's important you lower your M (Estimate!) according to how many players are left. Why? Simple. There are less players before you'll hit the blinds. Thus, Less orbits.

    So- Harrington Had different "Standard" Ways of playing depending on your M

    M of 20+ This is often found at the beginning of the tournament, you're free to do what you want. Lots of room to maneuver if you so feel. You might choose to wait for a big hand if your table is fairly loose or you're out of position, or you might limp in to see cheap flops with speculative hands such as Suited connecters or low pocket pairs to set mine.

    M BETWEEN 15-20 (SORRY, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YELLOW, BUT YOU COULDN'T READ IT. If you've passed on play during the beginning stage, you might find yourself at this M level around the 50-100 or100-200 Blind levels. Blind stealing is favorable at this M. Because you have enough chips to fold to a 3-bet or re-steal, you're free to open up a wide range on the button or Cutoff. However, you want to avoid open-pushing. Open limping and passive play is not advised with this M or below.

    M of 10-15 A difficult M for even the best of us. You have more than enough chips than to play Push/Fold, but often times you would have to call a 3-bet due to pot commitment, which is often all-in. MY personal (gottimhimmel) recommendation is to play the same range you would at the Red M, but open raise 2-2.5x the BB. That way you have the ability to steal the blinds, but still have a good enough hand to go to showdown. Again, with this M, play a tight range IMO.

    M of 5-10 This is Simple, Push/Fold play. Either go all-in pre-flop or fold. 'Nuff Said. It's up to you, depending on your hand and position.

    M of 0-5 You got two cards bud? Shove them in.

    P.S Forum- There's an alternative to M, especially useful for SnGs, Called "X-factor", I might make a thread about X-Factor specifically later

    I hate (love) this post. Why do you ppl continue to help teach those that do not want to learn. OK besides the point. One thing I'd like to add. For M levels 5 to 15, don't forget the stop and go. A lot o ppl will call a ss pre with almost ne 2. So, the stop and go becomes effective and has worked a lot. (Credit to Raymer, I believe or at least that's where I learned it from) You don't shove but instead call from out of position. Regardless of the Flop, Basically you are gonna shove. (much better if there are no Scare Cards, but depending on your M, it may not be a factor on the shove.)

    Great Post. Hope to see no more. GL allz

  9. #9
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    This is pretty standard basic stuff... If you did not know this already then you probably shouldnt be playing MTT and or why people lose there rolls at MTT.

    It gets a lot more in-depth then just this for sure... but this is a good start for someone wanting to learn.

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member GottImHimmel's Avatar
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    Well of Course Mpettit, but not everyone can be a poker God like you. So us lemmings have to start somewhere.
    "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napoléon Bonaparte

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