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Thread: poker stars

  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    poker stars

    i downloaded poker stars today not realizing that you cant play for real money if your from the us. why even have it on po if everybody is not afforded the same chance? just seems unfair to me? let me know how you feel.

  2. #2
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Well, maybe it's unfair but that's how the laws is for online poker in US.
    Beside there is a lot other PO freerolls than Pokerstars.
    We have Bovada, Carbon Poker, Lock Poker & BCP, aren't you happy with that?
    But having Pokerstars freerolls it will bring out more non-us players around here.
    PokerStars: ProBlackbird | Betsson: ProBlackbird | Party Poker: UnknownFlush

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    not everyone is banned from pokerstars!! it does sort stink! butas stated above, there are plenty of other sites to play on!!

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I know this is off-topic, but why do the states have such laws with online poker, and what are the laws exactly? I don't understand how 1 poker site can offer their services to americans while another denies. Not that I care, I'm canadian!

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