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  1. #21
    Seasoned Veteran ImNewAtThis's Avatar
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    I like to play pretty tight early in tourneys. This gives a chance for all the crazies to shove all in and narrow the playing field. If I late register I may play a little more agressive

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Master
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    Dec 2012
    Always depends on my table... If I am at a tight table, I'll play aggressively, if im at an aggressive table, I'll tighten up. If I am at a semi loose, semi tight table, I will be looking more against which player I am going up against in order to adjust my play.
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  3. #23
    PokerOwned Pro
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    its tricky. depends mostly on what type of tourney and what the prizes are
    generally I play loose in beginning, tighten up in the middle. and depending on my stack size near the bubble I will loosen back up or play really tight

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    The best way to combat a loose table is to play tight, and a tight one to play loose and steal.

    Early on, everyone's stack in relation to the blinds is huge, hence they play more hands, which means you should be more selective

    In later stages, it is obviously way more +ev to loosen up when everyone is folding PF a ton more because their stack in relation to the blinds is much smaller.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    play tight until it's time for aggression.... that means shove when you got the nuts boy

  6. #26
    Seasoned Veteran ImNewAtThis's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking of trying to join at the last minute for late registration. Then sit out for a while and walk away. It would save time I think

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    It just all depends on how everybody else is playing..if they playing crazy just sit back and catch them if everybody is okaying tight then you can loosen it up its always different

  8. #28
    Seasoned Veteran
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    In a free roll doesn't everyone just try to play tight? or is it generally a more loose field?

  9. #29
    tex is offline
    PokerOwned Master
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    I think alot of it depends on the tourney your in the more people there are 700 plus public freerolls you might have to build some sort of stack in the beginning so you can survive all the donks that get lucky against you .Under a 100 people I think it's better to try in survive as long as possible and get agressive with good cards when the pots are huge.

  10. #30
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    It depends on the field for me as well. I play a little loose early in some of the PO freerolls especially the ones with quicker structure and excessive players. I play super loose in regular freerolls where 1 percent or less of the fields gets paid. Still in other freerolls especiall the ones where 20 percent or more get paid I try to play tighter. That being said, it is still a freeroll and I can get away from my strategy quite often.

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