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  1. #31
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lorenz0wns View Post
    It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that you put yourself in scenarios where you flip for your tourney life because u needa take a risk to build a huge stack.
    voted most ludicrous statement in this thread LOL and here we have a bingo player that believes that kind of bullshit!!
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHaversham View Post
    Thank you for posting Deeb's stats, but that is not an accurate analysis of how or why he is so successful. Here is a quote from the man himself:
    "I mean, we always talk about the +EV of a hand," the 25-year-old New Yorker said in online vernacular. "Say someone opens [raises], I three[-bet, or reraise], they four-bet [re-reraise]. It would often be right to five-bet, but because it's the main event, if they have [a superior hand] 50-50, you can't make that commitment. Why commit to 50-50 when I can commit one-tenth of my stack to hands I have a better chance of winning?"

    While it's true that when he's 50-tabling, he's far more likely to push the edges with a 52/48 edge, that is more a factor of using multi-tabling to reduce variance. But when he's playing one tourney, and for whatever reason that has exceptional importance - like when he is in the main event, or when a freeroller has $0 and is playing for $1 - then taking 50/50's when there will be countless 80/20's in your future is just bad poker.
    Well the main event is structured differently from regular online mtts. Blinds go up much slower and the structure is extremely soft in the main. Its also not a regular mtt considering u have to play 7 days straight and the field is astronomically larger than most standard online mtts. If deeb ever made a deep run in the main with 200-300 ppl left i would 99% guarantee you he would take a coinflip because like most mtt'ers know the only way u can win is if u have a big stack which gives you a huge edge over everyone else. Top payouts are to the ppl who FT and u won't make it without running good and winning flips.

    It's the same concept whether he's multi tabling or playing an important tourney like the main. He's not gonna play the main differently to online mtts.

    How to Win an MTT Poker Tournament - YouTube

    ^5:25-6:45 it's explained very well.

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