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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by donny111 View Post
    thoughts runnings through my head when he check shoved. i automatically ruled out AA and for that matter any pair jacks or better because he would have 4 bet me 100% given the image i had on him. i also ruled out AK AQ bc i was also quite sure given how i had seen him play that he would have 4 bet. the only logical aces i could see him having were A8-AJ. but the problem with these hands that was going through my head was that he has to be scared of me having AK OR AQ in this specific spot so i didnt see how he could raise. furthermore,A4 AND A2 were out of his range in my head because he wasnt the type of player to call out of position with these hands. going through this analysis qiuckly during the 1 min time bank i surmised that he could have air or maybe sumthin like KQ hearts. remember i told you he had shown down some bluffs and was quite capable of bluffing this spot i thought. i made the hero call because i could not put him on any ace. as it turned out i was right, but instead he had 22! i failed to consider this hand pretty much altogether but even looking back dont really understand the call. playing out of position with 22 facing a 3 bet to me just seems silly. with nearly every flop excluding that with a 2, hes going to check/fold. as it turns out i was right that he didnt have an ace and looking back on this hand i only regret not thinking about one important factor. WAS THIS PLAYER CAPABLE OF BLUFFING OFF HIS WHOLE STACK?

    if he did have KQ of hearts you are technically behind on the flop and a marginal favorite against any flush draw. IMO i think it's a tough spot to bluff given the preflop action and you are really just flipping, at best, given his range.
    Last edited by joefine; 05-03-2012 at 06:37 PM.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God
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    Mar 2011
    I would have snap folded and would have put him on two pair. Not necessarily an ace either. I get the feeling from your description that this guy might have called with 2-4 to bluff after the flop and then when he hit check raise you.

  3. #13
    Current B2B Champ!
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    Quote Originally Posted by joefine View Post
    if he did have KQ of hearts you are technically behind on the flop and a marginal favorite against an open ender or any flush draw. IMO i think it's a tough spot to bluff given the preflop action and you are really just flipping, at best, given his range.
    ya the play was definitely marginal theres no question. the problem was in my head AIR was part of his range. i thought it was possible given how he had been playing that he could make the play hoping i have any hand but an ace and get me to fold. and after i put in the money i already had i didnt mind flipping against KQ given the size of the pot (about 44k) im getting over 2 to 1 being just about even money.
    no doubt i made the wrong descision, the only part i regret is not asking myself the question i posted at the end of my earlier comment. in addition, i woulda been left with 20 bbs 4 handed, which is basically equvalent to 10 or less at a full table since there gonna be coming around much quicker.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    the only thing he would slow play is trips or a/x
    why would he let u get commited before going all in with his flush draw. it would be better for him to push in position

  5. #15
    New Member
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    holaaaaaaaaaaaa me gustariaaaaa saber mas sobre los passwoorddd graciassssssss

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    In a PL tourney people are likely to play it to the river once there commited `so your odds arent to good in that spot but there more likey to play there hands to river either way.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran Ricardo's Avatar
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  8. #18
    PokerOwned Master
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    the only thing he would slow play is trips

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    why would he let u get commited before going all in with his flush draw

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Im shore he had an ace xD gl!

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