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Thread: playing AK HIGH

  1. #61
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    AK is a really tricky hand i think he prolly had A-3 or something prolly not a 6

  2. #62
    Experienced Member
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    Jul 2012
    First of all, why the hell were you betting? You bet for two reasons, to extract value from worse hands - and to make better hands fold. What worse hands (beyond rag aces) could possibly call your bets? With 22 - JJ being in his preflop calling range, in addition he sounds like a loose 30+/ calling range sort so all those rag pairs are definitely possible. What better hands are folding on that kind of board? Even a low pocket pair is probably thinking of turning up the heat on you because the board doesn't match your mostly broadway raising range.

    I would check it down for showdown value with Ace high, possibly calling turn bet to see what he does on the river. If he checks, check behind again. If not check/fold.

  3. #63
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    As I make money?

  4. #64
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    A6 maybe but you never referenced if there was a possibility of a flush draw either

  5. #65
    PokerOwned Master NO9NOJNOKNOH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    all in,I know not the best approach,but all in pre flop,fck it,its all one big good dam free roll

  6. #66
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    These responses are lol funny. Come on people, you expect someone to 3bet with A-rag? Key question is your own image at the table? Are you playing loose or tight, and what have you shown down with?

    Even if you have enough info to tell this player is not tight, his 3bet range has to be somewhat tight. Unless he's stupid and trying to bluff, he probably has a decent starting hand in this spot out of position. It is 200NL, so i would expect him to have some sense.

    Your raise is higher than the standard 2.5-3xBB range. This could be a tell if you've shown down a hand like AK, AQ, KQ, etc with that starting bet before. You are also cbetting the flop a little light. You are betting half the pot which can leave the door open for someone who believes they have odds to draw and will get paid off. 2/3-3/4 of the pot is a standard cbet on that board. The check behind is a fail here. You don't want to see a river. It should be shut it down, or double barrel. The river bet is smart on his part because you showed you do not have a strong made hand. He could easily bluff this, but the 3bet preflop is strong showing PP.

  7. #67
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Apr 2011
    just fold end thas all der is to it......

  8. #68
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2012
    i really think he has an a and posibly a 3 but i like AK

  9. #69
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    might be AQ , A2 suited, 44 are all possibilities

  10. #70
    New Member
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    Aug 2011
    I play like aces.

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