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Thread: Overplaying PP

  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran testuser582's Avatar
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    Overplaying PP

    Has anyone overplayed a small pocket pair and lost a lot of their chips. How do you stop your self from doing that

  2. #2
    Small pocket pairs are easier to release than bigger ones.

    My basic rule is, even if it's AA, I am not married to this hand.

    I will release pocket pairs in an instant if I feel like I am beat.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master Kevin's Avatar
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    Dont play roulette with your pocket pairs. When ya get em I dont suggest overplaying preflop, as he said before dont marry your hand because it looks nice watch the flop turn river individually and play the hand out as you would any other. You should also always watch your position when playing them 77 UTG is going to get you into alot more trouble then the button, also watch what people are betting before you if the utg+2 just 3 raised your jj is likely even in jeopardy.

    IMO to many people these days see pocket pairs and dump to much in the middle to early.

    ^^ Diablo 2 thing.. I spent many years of my life pissing off people on hardcore.^^

  4. #4
    Seasoned Veteran sampletest3's Avatar
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    Not only that, I think AK is the single biggest mistake people make.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    a k is nothing but its a flip of the coin against any low pockets to hit and win

  6. #6
    Seasoned Veteran usertesting22's Avatar
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    I know it's a flip, but man it seems like I lose more with AK than any other hand (But don't get me started on TT - JJ)

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Master Kevin's Avatar
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    Well hands change all depending on your play style, I have a buddy who will shove pre flop with AA everytime the rest of the table lets him get it in the middle. He can be 2 places from in the money or doubled up live and it will get shoved. IMO if you shove good hands preflop or even mediocre hands its worse then playing blackjack, just as they call it its a coinflip . Play hands throughout the three cards, thats why theres a turn river and not just 5 cards dropped on the table.

    Personally my favorite hand is 10 J suited it has so many outs for nut hands j high straights ace high straights flushes two pairs. PP are some of my least favorite hands due to the fact there so stuck where they started unless you hit a paired flop or your crap selection of outs.

    ^^ Diablo 2 thing.. I spent many years of my life pissing off people on hardcore.^^

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    i just limp in with the small pocket pairs and hope i flop a set,i get really good value from sets.sometimes i raise if i have the position,it's good in theory maybe but i have lost a lot raising with medium-low pocket pairs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I try not to go overboard with my small pocket pairs because I never flop a set. Ever.

  10. #10
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hans Landa11 View Post
    I try not to go overboard with my small pocket pairs because I never flop a set. Ever.
    I think you hit a set 11% of the time or so, so never say never
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