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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master hitmeup's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    what ssuglia said.. is what 1.08 to join ten man double up sit n go.. and so instead of getting $ 2.16 .. you just get the $2 if u win. if you lose one thats - $1.08 .. and so u play another to break even.. u win that and your still down 0.16

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God Paisleysky's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    I don't share your opinion that they take less time. I think they drag out because no one wants to bet too much.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2011
    With the corerect strategy you can build up your roll slowly.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    its an easy way to slow build ur roll and you dont have to get heavily involved to place top 5..
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Its not a true double up. you pay 1.08 and you win 2.00. thats only .92 cents.

  6. #16
    Experienced Member
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    Jun 2012
    Yeah, the rake kills and you are stuck playing whatever crap they hand you and don't have a choice of picking up and walking away to play something else. Rakeback and solid play can build a roll but you have to be really careful not to step up to chase losses or anything like that. You still gotta grind it no matter what you are playing.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by WhoreBot View Post
    The downside is that you must put in volume to see a long term profit. The rake will eat you alive if you're only planning on playing a few games. You have to evaluate how much money you've made/loss after you have played hundreds of DONS.
    I knew we could count on the DONbot to give his experience.

    Are you still grinding the DONs?

    20:52 <onehotdame> sug ...your the most helpful of Mods
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2011
    I don't play them anymore. There is way to much collusion in my opinion between other players.

  9. #19
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Feb 2012
    hate them well i should say they hate me

  10. #20
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jun 2012
    the downside is that people tend to use collusion as a way to gain an edge on the competition

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