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Thread: Need a trade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Need a trade

    Hi Everyone!

    I went out shopping today with some friends an brought a greendot gift card (Visa) to deposit with. Too late to return it but I really would like to trade you my card number for poker cash on UB or AP. The card has $47 on it and I would like to trad for $45. I promise to give you my card number first and have you make sure that it works. I had my heart set on playing tonight and getting a bankroll going. If anyone can help me please contact me

    I tried it but the card doesn't work overseas and I didn't know that when I brought it

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master Kevin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    how am i able to verify that the card works? without spending money?

    ^^ Diablo 2 thing.. I spent many years of my life pissing off people on hardcore.^^

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