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  1. #31
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    Dec 2013

    You are making the right plays but second guessing yourself because the results were not there. The AA hand you had 81% equity---I would make that play every time. The KK v AQ you had 75% equity. Winning poker is about getting the chips in with the best hand---period. Don't second guess yourself when you have a bad beat, you will win those hands MOST OF THE TIME. And you will win some tourneys too.


  2. #32
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    oh so you play a music man guitar, or do they make basses? or both?

  3. #33
    Joe is offline
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    I just finished playing a 45 person sng over on bovada and I finished in 23rd. It was the $1.10. And while I was waiting for enough people to sign up for that one I played the hu sng for $1.10 and I stunk at that one too. I'm just having a hard time concentrating right now. I know I can get better results...I just can't produce those results. In the words of my dad, I need to take my head out of my ass.
    Regarding the 45 person sng I was knocked out holding a pair of kings and I had about 920 in chips with the blinds at 50/100. Preflop I was in the third seat to the left of the big blind and it was folded to me. I had kings and I raised to 400. My opponent called and the flop came to two aces and something else.
    My opponent was the big blind and he had a much bigger stack than I did.
    We both check post flop and the queen comes around the turn.
    He bet two hundred so I raised all-n and my opponent called.
    My opponent had ace-queen so he out flopped me.
    When he raised on the turn I kind of had a feeling that he had an ace but I raised all in because I had less than 6 big blinds at that point. I should raised all in pre-flop but I raised big instead because I was hoping that someone would re-raise me or everyone would fold.

  4. #34
    Joe is offline
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    I just got knocked out of the $1.10 9 seat sng on bovada. I finished in fourth place, only the top three win money. I am actually kind of happy with my results I didn't lose because of really dumb choices. Anyways, I had less than 10 big blinds and I was on the button with ace-jack suited and it was folded to me. I shoved all in and the small blind, who had a much bigger stack than I, called. My opponent had ace-king offsuit and he caught a king on the flop so I lost.
    I'm not happy that I lost, but this is an improvement over last night.

  5. #35
    Joe is offline
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    I just finished playing the $100 gtd tournament over at on carbon. The buy in was $1.10 with $1 rebuys and a $1 add on. I did one rebuy and one add on, so basically I bought in for $3.10. I finished 11th out of 54. Only the top 8 get paid so I got close. The last hand I had ace-x unsuited and I had less than 5 big blinds. I think I was two seats to the left of the big blind, and it was folded to me. I pushed all in and the opponent who called was on the big bind and he had a much bigger stack than I. He won. I think he had jack-4 offsuite and he caught a jack on the flop and the river.
    I got close, but not close enough.

  6. #36
    Joe is offline
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    I just finished playing the $100 freeroll on betonline dot com. I finished 76th out of almost 1600 participants. It started at 12:30 am and the top 40 people get paid. I've played these freerolls before and I don't think I gone this far before so this is an improvement. I was in all in or fold mode because I had about ten big blinds and I don't remember the last hand.
    I haven't made a deposit on betonline and I don't remember where I heard of that site but they have freerolls going every hour it seems like.

  7. #37
    Joe is offline
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    An hour or two ago I finished playing the 66 person freeroll on seals with clubs and I won some. I came seventh or sixth place and the top 8 places pay. I don't remember what my last hand was but I had less than ten big blinds and I went all in. It felt good to get a win since I haven't play at swc in awhile and I haven't gotten a win in what seems like forever.

  8. #38
    Joe is offline
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    I played the 1 chip on swc @ 11:45pm.
    I finished 22nd out of 38.
    My experience in the past was that a tournament like this would of lasted two hours or less and I didn't last more than thirty minutes.
    I got into trouble by the time the blinds went up to 50/100.
    The hand that pretty much knocked me out of the tournament but didn't take all of my chips: Preflop on button with less than 10 big blinds with a pair of queens.
    Opponent two seats (I think thats called the highjack. How did they come up with this?) to my right limped in, he had a little less than me.
    I raised all in.
    Opponent who limped was the only caller, he raised all in leaving me with less than 2 big blinds.
    He has king-ten offsuite, and person catches king on flop.
    I am able to hang around for a little and win one or two hands after that but I was soon eliminated after that.
    I also played the $100 freeroll on bet online and I didn't do really well on that either.

  9. #39
    Joe is offline
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    I found out about freeroll fury on carbon last night and you can qualify for the the tournaments by playing five sng's each day. So between last night and today I have played six $1.1 double or nothing sng's. I lost four and I won two of them so I'm down 44 cents at this point but I got one free tournament ticket coming my way. So I hope to be able to make that up. Also, that was an unusually bad run for me. Usually I do pretty good with the double or nothing sng's. YOu can earn only one ticket to the fury freeroll per day so I probably won't play anymore today.

  10. #40
    Joe is offline
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    I played the 10pm freeroll on carbon and I lost. I came in 22nd place out of 76.
    Before this tournament I played the $0.21 buy in sng on carbon and I lost but I won another $1.10 double or nothing sng so now for today I'm up. On the po freeroll I barely made it past the first break. Since I'm scrapping the bottom of the barrel of po points I'm going to stop playing the po freerolls so I can build up my points.

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