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  1. #11
    Joe is offline
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    I played the 10pm po freeroll again and I made the final table again. I finished in 6th place. I was in middle position with about ten big blinds and I had ace-3 offsuite. Preflop it was folded around to me so I went all in. The opponent that called me had 20 to 30 big blinds and he called with ace-jack and he caught a jack on the flop. I'm not surprised that I lost this hand because the opponent had a better hand and a much bigger stack.
    Once we got to the final table the action had been pretty much all in or fold so I probably would of move up another spot just by waiting and folding.
    I am happy with my results tonight because I finished in the money and I wasn't the first to bust out of the final table.
    Also, earlier today I played a little on the poker client and I won some chips. I wish there was more traffic over on the poker client cause I could use the work on my cash game.

  2. #12
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ducku408 View Post
    i once had a friend name joe. God he was ugly as a mule.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Master
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    ya bro just play ur hands. Ur read on the guy was correct. KK vs AQ is great for you. U just got unlucky. I'll take that any day. Just keep playing ur game and your good decisions will be rewarded.

  4. #14
    Joe is offline
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    I just finished playing the 10pm po freeroll (or maybe it should be called a point-roll) and I finished in third.
    I am very happy with my results especially since I got into a few bad situations where I had about 10 big blinds or less. I made some stupid calls where I probably should of folded instead. These bad situations came before the money when we were down to the final two or three tables so I ended up just barely making it into the money.
    Once I got into the money I played pretty much all in or fold and I quickly moved back up to over ten big blinds.
    I was eliminated in third position I was on the button and I had ace-ten offsuite or maybe I was in the small blind cause I thought the person I ahead of me limped in. Anyways, I had about ten big blinds and I shoved all in. The guy that called me had queen-7 offsuite and he made a two pair. I started with the better hand and I lost so I didn't lose because I made a stupid decision. I lost because the opponent that called decided to use his much bigger stack to try to eliminate me. I think the opponent had twenty to thirty big blinds and if I were in his position I would of considered doing the same thing.
    When I get eliminated in a situation like this I am happy because I got eliminated because of luck, not because of bad decisions on my part.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    seems to me your doing alright...all you can try to do is get your money in good and hope they don't out draw you..and it does suck when that goal when I play is to when I get into an all in the best hand pre cant control anything after that but if you get it in good you odds go up..although with online poker it does seem like I win more when I get in behind then when I get in say I go into all ins with the better hand 85% of the time..the times I don't is usually when im low stacked and really have no other option but to push all in with a face or ace...keep grinding those free rolls until you feel comfortable enough to play for real $$...either way good luck to you

  6. #16
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    I just finished playing the 10pm po freeroll (or maybe it should be called a point-roll) and I finished in third.
    I am very happy with my results especially since I got into a few bad situations where I had about 10 big blinds or less. I made some stupid calls where I probably should of folded instead. These bad situations came before the money when we were down to the final two or three tables so I ended up just barely making it into the money.
    Once I got into the money I played pretty much all in or fold and I quickly moved back up to over ten big blinds.
    I was eliminated in third position I was on the button and I had ace-ten offsuite or maybe I was in the small blind cause I thought the person I ahead of me limped in. Anyways, I had about ten big blinds and I shoved all in. The guy that called me had queen-7 offsuite and he made a two pair. I started with the better hand and I lost so I didn't lose because I made a stupid decision. I lost because the opponent that called decided to use his much bigger stack to try to eliminate me. I think the opponent had twenty to thirty big blinds and if I were in his position I would of considered doing the same thing.
    When I get eliminated in a situation like this I am happy because I got eliminated because of luck, not because of bad decisions on my part.
    Congratulations on your top finishes You told you had 10 BB. I feel you should have waited for a much better hand. What was your M? ANd how agrresive the other player - third player was?

  7. #17
    Joe is offline
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    I finished in the money again at the 10 pm po point-roll on carbon, 6th or 7th position.
    On the hand that I was eliminated on I had ace-jack suited and my opponent who called had ace-2 suited(the opponent had a different suite in case you were wondering). I had between 10 and five big blinds and my opponent had about the same so I was a little surprised the opponent called.
    I am a little embarrassed not by my final result of the tournament but by my play before I got into the money. Before I got into the ten big blind range I got one hand that was of any value and I didn't connect with it on the flop or the turn so I folded when my opponent confronted me with a big raise. I tried a couple of bluffs and I gave up some blinds and eventually I got to the point where I had ten or less big blinds so I had to raise all in or fold. My first all in was under the gun with queen ten off-suite. The opponent to my left called with ace-king off-suite. I won but I didn't eliminate the opponent. I started to type in the comments "sorry you should of won that hand" but you can only comment when its your turn or something so I didn't apologize.
    I successfully went all in a few times before I made it into the money. I even cracked a pair of aces.
    Anyways sometimes luck can help more than skill.

  8. #18
    Joe is offline
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    I also played on betonline tonight during the same time as the 10pm po point-roll. I didn't do so well in those two tournaments. betonline has freeroll tournaments going every pretty much every hour starting at about 10 minutes past the hour and you don't have to make a deposit. I had two of those tournaments going on during the po tournament and I just sat out those tourneys while I was playing the po tourney. Once I started actually playing the $50 freeroll tourney I really had not much of a chance and I had to shove or fold. The second freeroll tournament was a satellite to 20k guaranteed tournament and the top 100 advanced. I had a chance because the first hand that I played after blowing off a few blinds I flopped a full house which let me double up. After that I pissed most of it away and quickly got into the shove or fold range again. I think I used up all my luck on the po tourney.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    yea PO tournaments rock!! Good way to start a bankroll from scratch!

  10. #20
    Joe is offline
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    I just finished the 7pm po tournament on carbon and I finished in 19th out of 74. I got busted with ace-five offsuite. I caught a five on the flop but I got beat bad. On the last hand I had a little less than one small blind. I'm pleased with the fact that I made it to 19 out of 74, I finished in the top half of the field. In most tournaments it seems that at some point in the tournament I build up a descent size stack but then as I get closer to the bubble, or soon after I acquire that descent size stack, I seem to lose a lot of chips and then I just barely make the money if I'm lucky.

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