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  1. #1

    My personal strategy for low bank roll building

    I've been doing a lot of 1 table SNG's lately. I've been doing ok, but getting more 2nd and 3rd than first.

    I then signed up for a sat tourney to work on my FT academy challenges. I signed up for a sat to the BLT, which actually pays out better than the single table SNG. (unless you take 1st of course, but with me, i was getting more 2nd and 3rd).

    1 Table SNG buy-in 1.20
    1st 3.30
    2nd 1.50
    3rd 0.60

    1 Table SNG Sat to BLT buy-in .80
    1st - 3rd Ticket to BLT worth 2.20
    You can cash it in for a profit of 2.19 after they take their fee

    The games are a lot softer and fishier than the regular SNG, and pretty easy to place in the top 3.

    Is there something I'm not seeing here, or is this a decent strategy to get my BR up so I can start playing the $2 SNGs? I can see this as a better long term strategy (unless you're consistently taking 1st on regular SNGs.)

    Also note, there are lower buy-ins to this tourney, .45 or so, but it only awards 1st the ticket, and 2nd your buy-in back for -.05 profit after their rake.

  2. #2
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Yeah I suggest you grind your way in $1.20 1-table SNG or 45-man SNG, that way you will not lose all your bankroll and can make a profite for it.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro BoostMyBR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    That's what I was doing with my bankroll until I just hit a nice win last week.

    I kept playing the $1.20 6 person SnGs and was getting 1st or 2nd in both of them.

    Good luck with your bankroll and I hope you do well in those Sit N' Gos!

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I play mainly in a $5 6-person SnG .. Normally, once I get to top 2 .. i will ask the other person if he/she wanna split..

    $15 each ... thats a $10 profit.. (1st place- $19.50; 2nd place- $10.50)

    Unless of course you are confident enough to win... sometimes they just ignore me till they get down to 2500 chips vs my 6500 chips
    (I was short stacked initially), then they started replying me. LoL.. What did i do? .. i just kept raising till they blind out...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I play mainly 1 dollar SNG. Only with 77+ / AJs + .Sometimes 22+ in late position. But now I am plaing cash games 6 max.

  6. #6
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i like 6 man sitngos but 24 cent fl is good for building ur bank

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Yeah I like the 45/90 people $1/$2 sit and gos. Payouts are pretty decent and risk isn't too much.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i like the 1.08$ fifty-fiftys on pokerstars...
    If you play it in the right way (tight-aggressive) then they are no problems

  9. #9
    Sergeant Major
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    i agree with problackbird, 45sng's are a great profit... mange your game withc patience and you'll make it!!!!, GL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    my strategy is to make sure i leave a penny in my account so i can beg, cant beg on tables without a penny! hehe, all kidding aside, i enjoy the $3 KO sitngo...and the $1 rush on demands when i'm short rolled.

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