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Thread: My HUD free

  1. #1
    New Member
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    My HUD free

    My HUD free

    In fact, many have been calling me up a post about a Hud Profile.
    Finally I decided, so here I leave my below Hud PokerTraker staff.
    But for everyone to be free, I leave in PT4 Beta version!
    The PT4Beta it can be downloaded from the author's website by following the instructions:
    PokerTracker - Online Poker Software, Player Stats Tracking & HUD

    Once installed on your PC WP4 will be able to import the hud.
    Then I will present the statistic and try and explain them art.
    Please know that Hud is universal, ie they serve to S & G, Mtt, Cash, etc.

    My main purpose with this post is ac?rcales-once and for all, this software
    Statistical all those who gave up on trying to understand.
    (However, I hope it will be useful to higher level players)

    I present the HUD (Heads-Up Display):

    Let's start:

    1-2 in yellow: Hands Hands and% Won:
    These 2 data simultaneously working on, one indicates the number of hands played,
    the other points the% of times a player has made money with his hand.
    This gives us the notion of a player's effectiveness: In the graph, we see that
    of hands played 77 won 19 (equivalent to 25%). In practice, if we play
    a heads-up will see these 2 values ​​working at its best, ie:
    Both start with 1500 chips and 50% -50%. After about 50 hands, it is possible
    see a player with 70% for 800 chips and the other player with 30% in 2200 chips.
    It is clear that the 2nd player is taken greater value to their winning hands.
    (Because they earn less hands, but has more chips. It is an effective player).

    3 blank: Abbreviated name of the player

    4-5 in blue and light blue VPIP PreflopRaise (PFR)
    These 2 data and let us work together to establish the profile of a player preflop.
    VPIP is the% of times a player puts money into the pot voluntarily,
    ie the VPIP ignores neither the past nor the blinds (which are mandatory).
    PFR as its name suggests, is the% of times when you make a raise preflop.
    But ... paying attention when a player makes a PFR puts money in the pot (VPIP).
    Or rather, a player can make money without PFR, eg when a hand pay.
    By combining the 2 data, we profile a player's preflop (eye, only applies to pre-flop):

    Nit Player: 4/4, 8/6, or 10/8. Players who play little hands and quality.
    Tight-Aggressive: 18/16, 20/17 or 24/20. Its PFR is very close VPIP, which means that
    when they enter a boat going up and usually do so very rarely do call or limp.
    Loose-Aggressive: 30/24, 32/24 or 28/20. Your RFP is not about more predisposed VPIP.Est?n
    do call and see a flop with speculative hands. His style is intended to be aggressive post-flop.
    Loose-Passive: 30/10, 40/5 and 75/15. They are involved in too many pots with weak hands.
    In addition, its ups (RFP) will be with strong hands, so it will be easier to read.
    Manic: 40/30, 50/40 or 65/50. Against these players can not be read.

    Although it will be much information to remember, is an argument which is then automated.
    Consider the graph and reason together. The total is 100% hands, the player has put money
    29% of the hands. That is, I enter 1 in 3 hands, I mean, play 1 hand and folds 2.
    But now the question is how we play that hand in entering?. We respond to the RFP.
    The PFR is 12%. (The RFP is included in the VPIP, so we have: 29% - 12% = 17%).
    That is, we raise preflop play: 12% and limp or call: 17%. Means the formula?.
    We are witnessing a dangerous player, hard to read his hand (at least in preflop).
    But do not be alarmed, so far we have very basic information, later,
    we'll see how to deal with these players, based on statistics combine with each other.

    6 green: Stack / BB (Big Blind or Big Blind)
    Basically this is how many big blinds you have to stack.
    Think of blinds is essential to facilitate mathematical calculations.
    This value can completely change the playing style of a player.
    The range of hands a player can also be determined by your stack.
    When we were children we were taught the basics of poker is always evaluate
    the stack, the type of player and position before performing any action.
    Today, I argue that teaching personally never go out of style.


    From now try to determine trends in board.
    The HUD consists of 2 data for 3 streets: flop (F) Turn (T) and River (R).
    The two ranges are: CFA (green) and To Fold Bet (in red). Let's see what they mean:
    CFA is the% of times a rival bet: bet or raise. In other words, we AFQ
    indicates the times when a player takes the initiative to take the hand. This is what the 4th row.
    Fold to Bet tells us how often a rival in every street folds to a bet or bet.

    Both values ​​are combined, not only between CFA and FTB (Fold to Bet) but between streets: FTR.
    Let's look at the graph:
    [The player has: F 52 25 - T 33 27 - R 50 0]
    That is, we bet on the flop 52% ​​of hand and will fold 25% when we bet you.
    [But beware, do not keep this one fact, observe the trend in full].
    Let your Turn is 33%. What does it mean?. You could say that means no keep reading?.
    Well, what it represents is that if the player we bet on the flop (52%) in turn becomes a
    little more cautious to bet (33%), a number quite understandable as possible
    means you are taking precaution against projects. In fact if we look at the CFA after the River
    again see that is 50%. Whereupon we bet on the river in 1 in 2 hands.
    That is, on the river returns to the same aggressiveness he showed on the flop (55% and 50%).

    Now we see something interesting, look at the Fold to Bet the River is zero. What does it mean?.
    It means that when it reaches the River no folds to a bet. That is, pays 100% of the time.
    Moreover, we see that the fold on the flop and turn is practically the same (25% and 27%). This equality
    tells us that the hands that folds on the turn there might be foldeado quietly on the flop.
    But beware, it also tells us that if you pay the flop came up to the showdown with his hand.

    Summarizing the CFA (the green):
    25-35: Passive.
    35-50: Standard.
    50-65: Aggressive.
    +65: Very aggressive.
    The Bet Fold to indicate when we can take the boat to our rival.
    For example, with 75 40 F - G 50 68 - R 35 50. That strategy would use?.
    See that its aggression decreases. When this happens, it's that kind of opponent that we try
    out of hand on the flop, but if we pay, doubts begin to show. Given these doubts,
    we must determine which is the best time to get it out of hand. In this case, on the turn (68%).

    These data are essential when raising a hand, ie before acting.
    What I recommend, as a practice that is comfortable for you is this:
    If you have the upper hand, there are 2 options you want: One is that the rival will pay
    to take profit and the other may already conform to the pot from the table and want to take the opponent.
    If we have the initiative, we focus on the Fold To Bet (red). That is, if we want to pay,
    you bet on the street (fold, turn, or river) that has the lowest%. If we did a boat important, and
    we want out of the hand, he bet on the street that has the% fold higher. Got it?.
    By contrast, when the opponent has the initiative, we focus on the CFA (the green).
    Observe the trend of CFA will tell us whether we can afford, we must attack or simply fold.
    Example: an opponent attacks us with F 55 75 - T 45 70 - R 20 65. What choices do we have?.
    Obviously, if we bet on the flop, we can make a raise for 3 and see his reaction. Why?
    Because of their tendency to decrease aggression: 55 to 45 to 20. And on the flop is the most FTB (75%).

    Finally tell you something, if they will use this hud, must learn to make correct and timely bets.
    Betting exact amount. Is, they must learn to bet the maximum or minimum of chips.
    I will not bet because teaching is very basic, but if I show you something:
    Consider the case of rival who attacked us before with F 55 75 - T 45 70 - R 20 65. But in this case,
    does not attack us on the flop, it just gives check. How much should bet out of the boat?.
    The hud helps: its FTB is 75 on the flop and 70 in turn. Is an equality that shows that the hand
    folds on the turn that can fold on the flop. Are in a range of 70. That is, in theory,
    if you bet that rival by 30% of the pot on the flop, be at least sufficient to abandon the hand.
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  2. #2
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I cant use this live so dont want to get into but IMO these shouldnt be allowed in online games. That and long ago i tried these and on 3 diff sites i had three totally different styles it said.. No i play same as live(which is prolly my downfall) in every game i play i didnt have diff styles on diff sites. IMO complete waste of time
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I agree that these should kinda be taken out of the online game. But there never going too. Its a HUGE advantage using one and playing 10+ tables having these stats and information right there and 90% of other players dont.

    But yet again these are open to everyone... If you dont like them might as well learn and jump on board since there not going away and a HUGE advantage for the daily grinder.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    much too much work for me and super compicated but i guess u guys moere sophisticated

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