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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Mrlova's FL Holdem Strategy Guide

    I'm going to try to start this thread in hopes of teaching everyone that FL holdem is a game with great potential. My plan is to post a video of a hand I played so you can watch it first. After you've watched it then you can read my analysis on the hand and whether or not I think I played it correctly, what I could have done different, etc.

    To start things off, lets go with a hand that has great potential but is very tricky to play. Please view the following video :

    Preflop: I decided to 3 bet this hand preflop. At this point in the hand I had two options, either 3 bet or fold. If I decided to limp I'd be putting myself in a situation where I will likely be up against 3, 4 or maybe even 5 opponents. 3 bet was the only option I saw available here.

    Unfortunately, not only did this hand go to the flop 5-handed, but "losygoosy" capped the betting. This cap put him back in charge of this hand. If I'm the last to bet preflop I have more power going forward in this hand.

    Flop This was a strange situation. "SICKRICK1" decided to lead out here. He cold called everything preflop. In this situation I really don't know what he could have. I don't see any reason to lead out on this flop 5 handed, against a capped preflop betting round if you have a hand. It's hard for me to "SICKRICK1" on a strong hand here and thus why I decided to call and see one more card.

    I should also add that I was happy to see the preflop aggressor, "losygoosy" did not continue his raising. This allowed me to take the opportunity and cold call here with intentions of betting in future rounds depending on the turn and river.

    Turn This was a terrible card for me. An A or a 3 at least give me a draw, a 10 of clubs gives me absolutely nothing. Any bet on the turn and I'd be mucking. Luckily no one decided to lead out here.

    River This was my money card. It was a 3rd club, but if someone just hit running clubs on me there was nothing I could do. Once again "losygoosy" led out, with his previous plays I didn't put him on a pair. I was expecting him to turn over AK or AQ (He mucked instead). With this card I was set on getting as much money in the pot as I could. Raise Raise Raise was the name of the game, and if someone flushed me oh well.

    Analysis In my review session of this hand I was a bit torn on whether I overplayed my 4's or if I made the correct plays. The play preflop was good, it was the post flop cold call that I question. Cold calling there keeps me in a passive style, and if I'm beat which you can see I was it was really just a donation of money. I lucked out and hit my 4 on the river, but getting there was not correctly done. On the flop I should have either continued bet with another raise continuing my preflop aggressiveness or thrown the hand in the muck. This cold call here could have very been a miscue by me.

    I'll post additional hands here in this thread or maybe start a new one. This is open for discussion. Feel free to ask questions about this hand if I didn't clarify it well enough above.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God StephyMarieC's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    I watched some of it and the play was better than I'm used to in fixed limit holdem. The reason why I hate it is because I make my decisions by other people bet or raises and with limit the bets and raises tell you nothing.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stephymariec View Post
    I watched some of it and the play was better than I'm used to in fixed limit holdem. The reason why I hate it is because I make my decisions by other people bet or raises and with limit the bets and raises tell you nothing.
    They tell you a lot. I'll show that in future hands I post. It's a very hard concept to explain with showing hands to support it.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God StephyMarieC's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    I always love to learn when it comes to poker so thank you and I look forward to it.

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