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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    heads up is the best, you dont even need any cards if you can get the proper read on your opponent

  2. #12
    I think it all depends on your opponent. Sometimes being too aggressive will result in you being a victim of a well planned trap. Usually being aggressive means betting big when you think your ahead. Well what happens when your not ahead but betting aggressively? In my opinion playing aggressive early on is a must. Once you get a big enough lead you can switch up your style..

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    heads up is a slaughterfest. If you are not constantly betting and putting your opponent in positions to make mistakes, its easy to lose. Also the value of your hand changes becuase you are always playing one random hand, any pocket pair has value, flopping top pair is a monster, and against the right opponent there's always the lure of slowplaying.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Heads up is just a matter of timing and good check

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    position is valuable in heads up, so is mixing up what cards you play. if your opponent is aggressive, induce bluffs more frequently. if your opponent is not aggressive then suggest more strength then you have more often by betting.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    The players holding two good high cards have the best chance at the best hand or a draw to the best hand after the flop. Only play strong hands, that will stand a raise or multiple raises, from early betting positions. Play medium strength and other playable hands from the later positions if you have a good chance of seeing the flop at a reasonable price. Play strong high handsmostT of the time, and play them very aggressively. Take all the raises you can get. If you don't thin out the competition, you reduce your chances of winning. Plus, your aggressive play before the flop can add credibility to any strong play you might want to use on the next round if a garbage flop falls and you want to try a steal. Be ready to fold your high pair if you get a lot of action with a threatening floppp

  7. #17
    josh we should play hu sometime!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    encourages weak and garbage hands to fold that could get a lucky flop and beat you.
    Don't draw to the low end or both ends of a straight. If a 9 8 7 flops, you want to be playing the J 10 and not the 6 5 or the 10 6. (The low part is commonly called the "ignorant" end of the straight.)
    Unconnected Medium and Low Cards are Usually Unplayable. This includes suited cards that can't flop a straight. Both ends of a straight such as 9 5 fall into this very weak catagory.
    Play starting low pairs cautiously. 66 down to 22. Usually not from an early seat and from the late positions, only when the price is right. If you don't flop a set or quads you should usually fold.
    Play aggressively when you have a two way draw after the flop. If you can make a straight AND a flush or trips etc., usually bet/raise your hand.
    Bet an Ace or two high overcards after a garbage flop (a three suit "rainbow" with unconnected medium and low cards). Usually fold if someone raises.
    Watch out for uniform flops, like 8 7 6, they can easily turn into straights that can overtake your high pair or other good hand.
    Check the raisers chips. Players that are close to all-in often rush the betting just to get all their chips in a sink-or-swim last hand.
    Beware of Suited Flops that can make a completed flush. In this case, you should usually hold the nut in that suit, or have trips or two pair that can fill up..
    Get caught bluffing once in a while. It is a way to vary your play and not be too predictable. You win pots that you don't deserve when your bluff works. You lose a few chips when it doesn't work but it will get you calls from weaker hands down the line when you have a strong hand and need the action.
    Study your opponents, especially when you are not playing hands and can pay careful attention. Do they find more hands to play than they fold? Do they bluff? Can they be bluffed? Do they have any "tells" (give away mannerisms) that disclose information about their hands etc

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