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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTOMTABLES View Post
    think about it this way!!! no person or coach /pro/po member/ mod/ that make you a better player....yes they can "GUIDE" but thats about it....people sitting here wasting time reading books and all that bs...cmon think a piece of paper made them good?

    like i said they can guide you but not make u better....even when u hear people say ohh well i went back n replayed the hand etc etc....yes you can go back n replay the hand 10mill x...but everytime the hand will be played diff/bet diff/ etc....again there are "guides" ....

    cash games n mtts.....2 diff style of game is good cause you can pikc out the 1s who just won a few bucks and are holding onto them pennies tigheter than %$#@ @ prom!!

    deepstak mtts are very diff than a reg mtt structure....also you hear those next to ya like "ohh it was only 20 chips" ...those are the 1s who are usually bubbling or busting faster than the 40 yr old virgin.....bottom line is this....keep playing and guide urself...bc even if u did have a coach they wouldnt be able to guide you while your playing real time!!!!!
    So much wrong here idk how to begin. I've bolded the worst points.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RaiseWinPotFold View Post
    I'm looking for a poker coach, to help me up my game to the "next level". I will running through join me and am willing to pay in points per session. Like a few hundred or something reasonable like that.
    Must be a reputable member of PO, no new members or alleged scammers.
    There are very few in PO that can help, there is a site where ppl will help you for free, I will shoot you a pm, or if you want to pay, drag the bar, and dueces cracked are both forums worth the money.

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