Alright, so I was playing a live tourney tonight and was involved in an interesting hand. Buy in was $260, a 100k gtd. My table was full of limping/calling most raises pre flop. At the time of this hand, blinds were 100/200/25. Starting stack was 20,000. I had 35,000 before hand and villain had 22,000.

9 handed, folds around to highjack, villain limps. cutoff folds and I have A8 diamonds on the button. I think about raising in an attempt to take it down or isolate and play against villain hu but I decide to just call the 200. Small blind folds and big blind decides to make it 800. Villain calls and I also call and go 3 way to the flop in position. Flop comes down 5 6 7 with 1 diamond. BB leads for 1k and villain calls. I think about semi bluffing with my open ender but again decide to just call.

Turn brings a 4 of diamonds, my money card. Now have top end of straight and nut flush draw. BB leads again, this time for 2k. Villain min raises to 4k. I had no doubt villain had a straight, but wasn't sure if I should just call or put in another raise. I think for a second and make it 9k, with the mindset that I would be free rolling with the flush draw. BB folds, villain moves all in for 13k more, and i decide i can't fold getting almost 3 to 1 even though it feels like 8-9. Sure enough he has 89, river was a brick.

Notes on opponent: liked to limp and see a lot of flops with wide range of hands, called off a lot of value bets by opponents, not super aggressive.

My question is: is it a mistake to re-raise the turn or does it make sense to get more money in when that is way more often a spot where i'm free rolling vs just hoping for a flush? If I flat and the flush comes, i don't know how much value i'd get.

Let me know thoughts, always okay with constructive criticism.